Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – PROFITS!
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – PROFITS!
If you have not yet joined our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, after you see just how much money you stand to gain, you might change your mind. Today we are here to talk about our first live trading session with big profits, our free Ebook, and our easy to copy trading signals.
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – Easy To Copy Signals!
Something we do pride ourselves on is that we provide all members of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy with easy to copy trading signals. Folks, it really does not get any easier than copying our trades into your own trading platform and then sitting back as the profits roll in. When you join the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will get access to our exclusive Facebook group.
When you go the group page, you will see that there around a dozen signals posted every single day. These are usually Forex signals, but can also be CFD, indices, and stocks too. These signals come complete with price entry points, various take profit levels, and the stop loss level too.
All you have to do is copy these signals right into your own trading platform, and then watch as the profits accumulate. It really could not be any easier. Moreover, all of the signals provided by the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are highly accurate. We don’t post random or bogus signals, and we only post the best around.
Also, don’t worry, because the signals are always brand new, fresh, and never out of date. This is one reason why as a trading newbie, joining the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy will do wonders for you. To copy the signals alone really does not take much knowledge or skill, thus allowing even the most novice of traders to make healthy profits on a daily basis.
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – FIRST PROFIT SESSION!
If you are not too sure about the signals which we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provide, just take a look at the trading video we posted here. This is our first official profit session that we have posted, and it turned out very well. It is no joke that the signals which we provide on the Facebook page are accurate and reliable. These are the very same signals which we use to trade with ourselves. Just take a look at the embedded video below.
First off, this trading session is from January 23rd, and on this day, Andrew, the teacher of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, placed a total of 8 trades. All of the trades he placed on this day came in the form for Forex trades. Out of these 8 trades, a total of 6 of them were winning trades, while only 2 of them were losers. This is indeed even better than we ourselves expected at first. In other words, our ITM rate for this first session was a solid 75%. Make no mistake about it, because this is a better ITM rate than most other traders, even professional traders, can achieve.
If you are wondering about the profits for this first official trading session, the ROI here was extremely high. In total, the profits Andrew made were close to $3,000 Euros, or close to $4,000 USD. The fact of the matter is that this is a whole lot of money to make through Forex trading on a daily basis. Guys, these are the same signals which we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provide on the Facebook page. You can use these signals as well, and make just as much money as Andrew does!
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – A Free EBook & More!
Something that you might like about our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is that it comes with a free trading EBook. Now, you can access the EBook before you sign up, just to get a feel for it. No, this Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is not super comprehensive or in depth. However, this is purposely done in order to ease newbies into Forex and all kinds of day trading.
The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy EBook covers some basic concepts, trading strategies, and provides some useful tips for beginners too! Once you have read through the EBook, you will probably want to sign up for the full course, and we wouldn’t blame you for doing so.
Here, you will get access to just under 60 video tutorials for Forex trading and all kinds of day trading. It starts of nice and easy, and then works its way up to some of the more complex aspects of trading. Don’t worry, because once you pay your fee, you will get unlimited lifetime access to all of the educational resources available here. It really is a great deal, one that will set you up to be a professional and profitable Forex trader for life.
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – A Very Low Price!
We do want to reiterate that you can join the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy for a very low price of $299. Keep in mind folks, that while this might seem like a lot of money to spend, it is an investment for a lifetime of self-sustaining profits. There is also the fact that most other trading course like this would cost you anywhere from 500 to 1,500 Dollars. This makes the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy by far the cheapest option around. You definitely get a whole lot of value for the money here!
Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – First Profit Session Final Thoughts
When all has been said and done, and once you have gone through all of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy’s content, you should by all means be a professional day trader. With hours and hours of content, a free EBook, and ready to copy signals, you really can’t go wrong!