Automata Formula App is a Giant Scam- Real Review!!!
Automate Formula is 100% Scam Binary Options Autotrading software; Keep reading to find out who and what is behind this yet another money LOSING service!
Official Scam Website:
We are here today to do yet another scam review and this is a big one. The Automata Formula App is a brand new binary trading platform which is said to be able to generate a whole lot of cash without any effort involved on our behalf.
The Automata Formula App is brought to us by a man who we are lead to believe is named George Coleman, a dishonest and definitely not credible man. The year is 2016 and it is time that we stopped being tricked into investing money by these scammers. Automata Formula software is definitely a scam, hence why we are here to do a scam review. This is an unbiased and totally honest review meant to help you out by not falling for this program from hell. It is no secret that binary trading can be quite lucrative, but not nearly as lucrative as George Coleman would have us believe.
George Coleman is not who he says he is and in fact we’ve already seen him before in various other scams which we are going to talk about in just a little bit. This is Automata Formula scam review and we’re here to inform you of everything you need to know about this horrible app.
Relation To Other Scams
One of the most important thing that we feel needs to be mentioned about this app, The Automata Formula software, is that it is seemingly the exact same app as other ones which we have previously seen. All of these apps were also scams and we already busted them. Automata Formula software looks exactly like 2 other scams that we have seen, those being The Amissio Formula and The Orion Code.
We have already busted both of those programs in previous system reviews and we were able to prove without a doubt that they were in fact scams. The Automata Formula App promises us the exact same things as both The Orion Code and The Amissio Formula.
Moreover Automata Formula trading bot also looks exactly the same as those other 2 scams. Even better is the fact that Automata Formula trading bot even has the same guy presenting it as the other 2 scams, that man being George Coleman. The only difference is that for The Orion Code, George Coleman went by a different name which was Edward Robinson.
Seriously now, why would we ever trust a program like Automata Formula scam system when we know for a fact that it is just a repackaged and renamed version of older scams which have already proven to not be honest, reliable, or credible in any way? The fact of the matter is that this completely destroys any legitimacy that Automata Formula scam system may have had.
Who Is George Coleman? Is he real and legitimate person?
Even if George Coleman were not related to other scams which we have already busted, there is also the fact that even for The Automata Formula system review, he tells some pretty outrageous lies which we can’t possibly be expected to believe.
The alleged George Coleman tells us that is used to be an employee at Wells Fargo, you know, one of the biggest and most powerful investment banks in the world. For some reason he got tired of making millions and millions of dollars working for a high class bank, and instead decided to make a binary trading program, which we know as The Automata Formula aka
George goes on to claim that he was able to generate over 12 million dollars in the last year alone using what he calls the best binary options autotrader in the whole world. George Coleman makes the ridiculous claim that Automata Formula winning rate performance rate can generate over 950 dollars per hour which amounts to something like 20 thousand dollars per day. (Ridiculous Lies!) Even the best binary options autotaders such as Code-Fibo and SnapCash Binary can only generate up to $800 er day with $250 investment.
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The final thing which we are not so sure about is the inner workings of Automata Formula autotrader. George tells us that The Automata Formula autotrader uses some kind of loophole in the financial industry which it exposes in order to make a whole lot of money. When people tell us that they are exposing loopholes in the financial market, it usually means that they are doing something highly illegal which could get us into a whole lot of trouble.
Creation Date
Something which is definitely not true when it comes to Automata Formula bogus service is that it has been around for more than a year now. The reality is that we did a system check and looked up the website registration date of The Automata Formula App. It should not surprise you to know that The Automata Formula App website was only launched a few days ago, thus completely negating the claim that George was able to make 12 million dollars in the past year.

ITM Performance Rate & What is Real Profits Potential?
Another thing that needs to be addressed is the claim of being able to make 950 dollars per hour, something which surely cannot be true, not in the least. 950 dollars is more than the best binary options system can make in a whole day, let alone just 1 hour. If you ask anybody who knows anything about binary options, they will tell you without a doubt that this is a scam and that there is no binary trading software in the world that can make that kind of cash.
Moreover there is also the fact that even if Automata Formula fraud could generate 950 dollars per hour, it still would not equate to 20 thousand dollars per day. The markets are not open 24 hours per day, yet another thing which the crooks behind The Automata Formula App hoped that we would not notice.
Automata Formula App Program Review: CONCLUSION
As you can see in this 2016 scam report of Automata Formula, it is a faulty, fraudulent, and untrustworthy app that is only meant to steal your money. The people behind Automata Formula scam software are complete crooks, George Coleman is a fraud, and all of his claims are big fat lies!
Are you sick of all those fake money making schemes and autotraders? If you are looking for legitimate, safe and trusted binary options autotrader that really does generate daily profits then we would highly recommend to watch this latest video regarding SnapCash Binary & Code-Fibo. They are both considered to be the best autotraders in 2016 due to their high accuracy rate and high ITM winning performance.
WATCH: SnapCashBinary VS Code-Fibo (Which is the best autotrader?)
READ: SnapCashBinary our Honest and Detailed Review