The EA Pip Scalper Review

The EA Pip Scalper Review

As you probably know by now, the EA Pip Scalper app was just released onto the market, and it has already managed to make a massive impact. For those of you who don’t know, the EA Pip Scalper Autobot is a piece of automated trading software for Forex.

Now, we understand if you are a bit weary of FX autotraders. After all, there are plenty out there that just don’t work, ones that scam you for money, and those that are far too complicated to use as well. However, the EA Pip Scalper system, from what we can tell, is one of the most user friendly automated FX trading apps out there.

What we can say with 100% certainty is that this is definitely not a scam, not in the least. This application is designed to allow both seasoned and newbie traders alike to make big time profits with minimal time and effort invested. Today, we want to do an EA Pip Scalper review, mainly to talk about the variety of features and benefits that it can bring to the table.

EA Pip Scalper

EA Pip Scalper App – Features Galore

Ok, so today the only thing that we are here to do is to inform you of all of the features and benefits that this EA Pip Scalper has to offer traders across the world.


100% Auto

One of the most important things to note about the EA Scalper Bot is the fact that it is indeed 100% automated. There are so many other apps out there that claim to be fully automated, when in fact they are not. However, this is not the case with this new EA Pip Bot.

This bot is indeed 100% automated. You can install it, set your parameters, activate it, and then walk away from it. It does all of the hard work and heavy lifting for you, and it helps save time as well. You can walk away from it as it does the trading for you.

EA Pip Scalper

Beginner Friendly

Another big benefit that you get with the EA Pip Scalper Bot is the fact that it is super user friendly. This bot is designed so that even people with absolutely no knowledge of Forex can trade profitably.

Folks, you don’t have to spend hours and hours trading, you don’t need to do research or analysis, and you really don’t need to know the first thing about Forex at all.

The whole point of this software is to know everything and do everything, so you don’t have to. Sure, seasoned pros can still use it too, as it really is a great time saver.

EA Pip Scalper is Made for MetaTrader

What is important for you to know that this is not a freestanding application. In other words, it’s not its own trading platform. The EA Pip Scalper system works in conjunction with the MetaTrader platform, a super popular Forex trading platform, one of the most popular and useful in the world.

To be specific, this software is designed to work exclusively with MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, so you will need one of the two in order to use the Pip Scalper Autobot. That said, MT4 and MT5 are both easy to install, and installing the Pip Scalper on those platforms is just as simple.

All Forex Pairs & Timeframes

Yet another important fact to be aware of is that the EA Scalper Bot has the ability to trade all Forex pairs on all timeframes.

You might think that this is completely normal, something that all autotraders allow for, but this is not the case. In fact, the vast majority, if not all apps out there, only focus on a few specific Forex pairs, and they only allow for trading on a few specific timeframes.

However, with the EA Pip Scalper Bot, you are not limited to any pairings or timeframes, as it trades all currency pairs on all timeframes. This is a big time feature, perhaps one of the main selling points.

EA Pip Scalper

Trend Detection Algorithm

Something we will get into later on, but worth mentioning today, is how this Forex autotrader uses a series of advanced algorithms to identify the best trading opportunities. One of the most powerful algorithms included here is the trend detection algorithm. Of course, trading trends is huge in Forex, and it can definitely lead to substantial profits.

EA Pip Scalper is Customizable

Yet another thing about the EA Pip Scalper system that you might like is how versatile and highly customizable it is. Here, you can change any parameters as you see fit, whether the currencies being traded, the timeframes, the lot size, stop loss, take profit, and more. Yes, the bot is fully automated, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t give it clear instructions in terms of how, what, and when to trade.

EA Pip Scalper

Great Signal Accuracy

Perhaps the most important thing to mention about the EA Pip Scalper system is that it does indeed produce good results. Here, you can expect the signal accuracy to be anywhere between 85% and 95%.

Folks, this means that well over 8 out of every 10 trades place by this software turn out to be profitable winners. This win rate is much higher than you could ever expect with any other system out there. Just check out the image below for proof of how well this autotrader works to put money in pockets.

EA Pip Scalper

EA Pip Scalper Review – Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, as you can see, the EA Pip Scalper Autotrader is loaded to the brim with beneficial features that make trading Forex easier, faster, simpler, and of course, more profitable too.

Today we really just wanted to inform you of what this system has to offer, as well as some other key facts and details.

However, stay tuned for more, because in the following days and weeks, we will be doing more EA Pip Scalper reviews, including some guides on how to install it, how to use it, and we will be doing some of our own testing sessions as well.




New FX Autotrader Release Coming Soon

New FX Autotrader Release Coming Soon

If you are just sick and tired of losing trades and bleeding cash in the world of Forex, you definitely are not alone. The fact of the matter is that trading Forex is not easy. It takes a whole lot of knowledge, skill, dedication, and plenty of time too, particularly if you plan on being consistently profitable. This is why we are happy to tell you that there is a new FX autotrader release coming very soon.

Now, as a beginner trader, you might be a little weary of using any kind of automated Forex trading app. After all, there are literally hundreds of them out there, and the vast majority of them just don’t work. Some of them are just way too hard to use, and most of them don’t deliver results as advertised. Simply put, about 99.9% of them end up losing money, and lots of it.

However, this new FX autotrader is going to change the way you see automated Forex trading software. Why is this? Well, because it is the first of its kind, one that actually works! Unfortunately, at this time, we are not yet at liberty to disclose the name of this new FX autotrader app. However, there are some key details about it that we can tell you. Let’s get right to it and take a closer look at this mysterious new FX autotrader.

FX Autotrader


The New Automated Forex App – Key Features & Details

This new automated Forex trading app is definitely going to be the next big thing. Although we may not as of yet be able to tell you what the name of it is, we can provide you with some other key details that you might be interested in knowing.


Fast & User Friendly

One of the biggest features that sets this new FX autotrader apart from the rest is the fact that it comes complete with a really user friendly interface. Unlike so many other automated trading apps that are really difficult to get the hang of, this one is going to be the exact opposite.

Now, installing and setting up this new autotrader does take some effort, but as long as you follow the installation instructions, it should not be a problem. When it comes to trading, the user interface is so easy to master that even a baboon could use it with ease.

Time Saving

The next big benefit that you will get from this new FX autotrader is that it will help you save time. This app is of course 100% automated, which means that it does all of the work for you. Generally speaking, professional day traders have to spend all day long, from morning until night, in front of the computer.

However, using this new automated Forex trader, you can just turn it on, let it run, and then walk away from it. This allows you to use your time to clean, cook, play with the kids, play some Call of Duty, or whatever else you see fit.


No Need for Hard Work

The really cool part about this whole thing is that it eliminates the need for you to do, well, anything at all really, plus you don’t really have to know a single thing about Forex trading either. This new FX autotrader performs all of the analysis required to place profitable trades. You don’t have to know charts, indicators, oscillators, or anything in between.

High Class Signal Algorithm

One of the best aspects of this new automated Forex trading system is the fact that it is designed with some really high class signal generating algorithms. Remember folks, this app was in the works for years, and over that time, many developers created an algorithm that is able to identify and select signals to trade with using pinpoint accuracy.

When it comes down to it, we expect this new software to blow all others out of the water. Combine this high quality signal generation with the fully automated nature of it, and you have a really easy way to make some quick money on a daily basis.

FX Autotrader


Trend Detection Power

Something else worth noting about this new automated Forex trading system is that it is designed specifically to detect trends. In case you are not aware, many professional traders utilize market trends, trending markets, reversals, and more, all to execute profitable trades. Well, instead of you having to do hours of research about trends, this software does it all for you.

MT4 & MT5

What you might also like to know about this new FX autotrader is that it is designed for use with the MetaTrader platform. In case you are not aware, the MetaTrader trading platform is one of the most popular out there. This new app is designed to work with version 4 (MT4) and 5, (MT5).

FX Autotrader


Low Cost

The final thing that we want to note today is that this new Forex automated trading software is going to come to you at a very low cost, low enough that you could make your money back in a single day of trading.


New FX Autotrader Release – STAY TUNED FOR MORE!

The bottom line is that this new FX autotrader is really set to be the next big step in the world of automated Forex trading. The fact here is that this new automated trading software is going to be one of the simplest, easiest, and most user friendly trading apps around.

Moreover, in terms of what it can do, the highly advanced signal generating algorithm, combined with its uncanny ability to spot and predict trends, and to execute trades on those trends, will undoubtedly lead to large and consistent profits.

Although we may not yet be able to tell you what the name of this new FX autotrader is, we can tell you that it’s not something that you will want to miss out on. Stay tuned for more, because this new automated Forex trading app is set to be released within the next couple of weeks. We are definitely looking forward to it, and so should you!

Investing & Trading During COVID-19

Investing & Trading During COVID-19

The sad thing is that although things like this have happened before, none of us were prepared for the COVID-19 outbreak. COVID-19 managed to ravage the world in a matter of mere weeks, and a large part of this has to do with the economy. Of course, the health and wellbeing of millions of people worldwide has been affected in a negative way. However, poor health is not the only effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Worldwide, economies have virtually collapsed, especially in particular sectors such as hospitality, travel and tourism, gambling, and so many other sectors too. For all of you traders and investors out there, whether you trade Forex or invest in the stock market, this COVID-19 fueled worldwide economic meltdown has had serious consequences. For example, the USA unemployment rate is at a record high, with conditions not having been this severe since the 2008 economic crisis.

The trading and investing landscape have changed quite a bit since the pandemic started. If you are a stock investor or Forex trader, chances are that you have been hit pretty hard and suffered some losses.

However, this is not to say that it is not possible for traders and investors to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic unscathed, and even with some profits too. Today, we are here to provide you with some crucial tips on investing and trading during COVID-19. With these tips, not only can you save yourself from going belly-up, but you might just increase your capital holdings too.

Keep Diversification in Mind

Something that has spelled doom for so many traders and investors, due to this COVID-19 pandemic, is having all of their money tied up in a single or just a few market sectors. Folks, this is something that you should have already been doing, but now at this time, diversifying your investments and trades is more important than ever.

In other words, don’t put all of your eggs in the same basket, because if one market sector crashes due to the effects of the pandemic, you will lose all of your money.

It’s a good idea to diversify, to invest some money in various Forex currency pairs, to invest in some commodities, some stocks, and in government bonds too. This way, if one of your trades or investments tanks, you still have many others to make up for the losses.


Using the Right Trading and Investment Services During COVID-19

If you are an avid Forex trader, chances are that you are using a high quality broker. If you are a stock investor, you probably have a broker doing most of the work for you. The point here is that high quality brokerages cost a lot of money, particularly in terms of trading and investing commissions.

Now, we are not saying that you should kick your broker to the curb, but that said, you do need to evaluate how well the broker is performing for you in comparison to the fees you are paying. If the fees alone are eating up most of the profits that you could have made, then it might be time to change things up. Using low commission brokers can go a long way in saving you money during this uncertain time brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Educate Yourself on the Impact of COVID-19

Something that you definitely need to do, more now than ever, is to monitor the markets, economies, and individual industries. Of course, the way in which you trade and invest money depends on market conditions.

Well, COVID-19 has destroyed many sectors, with hospitality being one such example. Moreover, some national currencies are weathering the storm very well, while others have been decimated. Therefore, in order for you to weather the storm, and maybe even to make a profit, you need to educate yourself on exactly how COVID-19 is affecting various industries, markets, and currencies.

With the right analysis tools, you can predict the trends in various market sectors to make more informed trading and investment decisions. Make no mistake about it, COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the finance sector and on economies in general.  



Decrease Your Risk

One of the biggest tips that you can follow about investing and trading during this COVID-19 pandemic is to decrease your risk. Now, here we are talking specifically about trading. If you were trading with 5% of your capital per trade before the pandemic, now you should be trading with 1% or 2% of your capital per trade at most.

The fact of the matter is that you absolutely cannot be trading with money that you cannot afford to lose.

Moreover, trading might need to take a little backseat at this time. COVID-19 has seen many people lose their livelihoods. Therefore, it might be a good idea to put a portion of your money into a savings account and to keep it for a rainy day. Having all of your money tied up in trades and investments during this time is not recommended.

Focus on High Demand Areas

Another good tip that we can give you for trading and investing during COVID-19 is to focus on high demand markets. Sure, some market sectors have crumbled due to COVID-19, but there are others which are still in high demand.

For instance, the medical industry is booming, oil is always a good investment, and there are various national currencies which are seen as safe haven currencies. If you want to make money, you need to invest into market areas which are still seeing a high demand. Remember folks, pandemic or not, the law of supply and demand still holds true.


Investing During COVID-19 – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, you do really need to rethink the way you trade and invest. If you follow the tips we have outlined today, you might just be able to come out of this pandemic in better shape than when it all began.



Income Mentor Box

Important Technical Analysis Indicators

Important Technical Analysis Indicators

If you are an aspiring trader, perhaps in the world of stocks or Forex, something that you absolutely need to be familiar with are technical indicators.

These are special tools use in the methodology of technical analysis, and they are very useful for finding entry and exit points, for creating trading setups and so much more.

Today, we want to talk about what exactly technical analysis indicators are, how they are used, and what some of the most common ones are.

What is Technical Analysis?

When it comes to trading, such as in stocks or Forex, technical analysis is a specific analysis methodology that is used to forecast the direction of prices.

This analysis and prediction of prices is achieved through the study of prior market data, generally through the use of prices and trading volume.

Using technical analysis, a trader can predict trends, trend reversals, and price movements too. The reason why this is important is because a large part of this, the main part, is the technical analysis indicator, or simply known as the technical indicator.

What Are Technical Analysis Indicators?

To provide you with a basic definition, technical indicators are pattern based or heuristic signals that are produced by the price, volume, and open interest of a security, contract, currency pair, stock, or any other such tradable asset.

By analyzing a plethora of historical data, such as price and volume, traders can then predict future price movements.

Technical analysts use these indicators to not only predict future price movements but also to find the right trading setups for any given day. It’s all about analyzing technical analysis charts patterns to enter and exit trades. Of course, the main goal is to make a profit.

Technical Analysis Indicators


Types of Technical Indicators

Something that is important to know is that there are a few different types of technical analysis indicators out there, and they all tell you something else.

To be precise, there are 4 main types of technical indicators. These include s. Let’s take a closer look at each one so you know what you are getting into.


Volatility technical analysis indicators are used to tell you how much a price has changed over a given period of time. Volatility is an extremely important aspect of the market.

Without volatility, there is no real way to make money through trading. The point here is that the price of anything has to move in order to make a profit when a trade is placed.

If there is no volatility or no price movement, then it is impossible to make a profit. The higher the volatility level is, the faster a price is changing, and the lower the volatility, the slower the price change is. Beware that volatility indicators tell you nothing about the direction of the price, just the price range.


Volume indicators are used to tell you how the volume in a given market is changing over a given period of time. In other words, how many units of something are being bought and/or sold over a given period of time.

For example, it can represent how much gold, silver, oil, or even how much of a currency is being traded in a specific time period.

This is very important because when the price of something changes, volume will indicate how strong that movement is. For instance, bullish moves on high volumes are more likely and easier to be maintained than bullish moves on low volume.


Yet another important type of technical analysis indicator is the momentum indicator. This type of indicator will tell you how strong a trend is, as well as if a particular trend may reverse. These are very useful for picking out price tops and bottoms. There are various momentum indicators which we will take a closer look at, both today and in the coming weeks as well.


A trend indicator is used to tell you in which direction a market is moving in, that is if there is any trend at all. Trend indicators are sometimes referred to as oscillators, which is because they usually move between low and high values, like a wave that oscillates up and down.


Useful Technical Analysis Indicators

Let’s take a quick look at some technical analysis indicators. We want to cover at least one indicators from each of the four categories listed above.

Bollinger Bands

One of the indicators that you should be familiar with is the Bollinger Bands indicator. This is a chart indicator that consists of two lines or bands. These lines are two standard deviations above and below the 20 day moving average, which itself appears as a line between the two bands. If the bands are widening, it shows increased market volatility, whereas narrowing bands indicate decreased market volatility.

Technical Analysis Indicators


The money flow indicator is a technical indicator that indicates the rate at which money is invested into a security and then withdrawn from it. Both the construction and interpretation of the money flow index are similar to the RSI or relative strength index, with the main difference being that the MFI is all about trading volume.


MACD or moving average convergence divergence is a momentum indicator. This is an interesting one because MACD consists of two components, moving averages which are turned into an oscillator by taking the longer average out of the shorter average. MACD indicates momentum because it oscillates between the moving averages as they converge, overlap, and diverge.

Technical Analysis Indicators

Moving Average

The moving average indicator, simply known as MA, is an indicator that can identify the direction of a price trend. This indicator uses price points over a specific time frame, divided by the number of data points to present a single trend line. This indicator can be used with a number of timeframes.

Technical Analysis Indicators


Technical Analysis Indicators – Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is a whole lot that goes into technical analysis, and technical analysis indicators are indeed very important to be familiar with. Stay tuned, because in the coming days and weeks we will be providing you with a lot more info on technical analysis and indicators too.



Income Mentor Box

Coronavirus Trading Risk Management

Coronavirus Trading Risk Management

The world market has seen an unprecedented downturn over the last few months, all because of the coronavirus. Stock markets, commodities, and currencies alike have all been drastically affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are panicking as they watch their investments tank, but people, panic is not the right way to approach this situation.

Although the coronavirus is certainly not a boon to traders and investors, just because things don’t look so good right now does not mean that you cannot make money. If you invest and trade the right way, you follow certain rules, and you allow your mind to do the work, instead of your emotions, you could walk away from the coronavirus pandemic in relatively good condition.

A lot of this has to do with risk management. If you manage to efficiently control risk while trading and investing during this coronavirus pandemic, you could make some decent profits. Right now, we want to cover some essential coronavirus trading risk management tips to keep your finances relatively safe. Here we have some great tips and strategies on how to preserve your capital and come out the other side of this coronavirus pandemic unscathed.

Coronavirus Risk Management

Decrease Lot Sizes & Investment Amounts

Something that you need to know when it comes to trading during the coronavirus pandemic is that you should decrease your overall level of risk. If you were investing 5% of your total per trade before the coronavirus pandemic, at this time, you might want to decrease this amount. Most people would recommend trading with no more than 1% to 2% of your total capital per trade.

This way, you will still have the opportunity to make a profit, but if a trade goes south, you won’t lose a huge amount of money. Simply put, due to volatility and uncertainty, you should decrease the amount of money you risk per trade, and in other words, never trade with more money than you can comfortably afford to lose.


Close Your Trades Over Night

Something else that you should do for proper risk management during the coronavirus pandemic is to close your positions overnight. Of course, this does not apply to your stocks and commodities investments, but it is very important for Forex traders.

The market is so volatile right now, that if you keep Forex positions open during the night, you may wake up in the morning to find that your trades have tanked. Therefore, sticking to short term trades and closing your positions at the end of each day before you head off to bed is a good idea.


Pay Attention to Safe Haven Currencies & Assets

When it comes to trading and investing risk management during this coronavirus pandemic, another good idea is to pay attention to safe haven currencies and safe haven assets. In terms of currencies, the United States Dollar, the Swiss Franc, and the Japanese Yen are all considered safe haven currencies.

There are currencies people flock to during times of economic turmoil. Therefore, paying close attention to these is vital for successful Forex trading. Also, pay attention to defensive stocks and gold as well, as both are considered safe havens. A good idea may be to also invest in safe government bonds.


Take Advantage of Short Positions

In terms of coronavirus risk management for trading, in order to still make money even in markets with strong bearish trends, taking advantage of short positions is crucial. Of course, when you open a short position, it means that you expect the price of something to go down. This is a good way to trade in a bearish or downward trending market. Remember, prices don’t have to go up for you to make money.


Remember the Laws of Supply & Demand

Yet another coronavirus risk management tip to follow is that you should always pay attention to the laws of supply and demand. In other words, in times like this, there are certain products and currencies that decrease in demand.

For instance, many commodities have decreased in price due to low demand, something that can definitely be said for the hospitality industry. The point here is that there are certain assets and securities which rise in demand in times like this, and others which decrease in demand. The higher the demand compared to the supply, the higher the price will be.

Coronavirus Risk Management

Stop Panicking & Start Thinking

Perhaps the worst thing that you could do while trading and investing during this coronavirus pandemic is to panic. This applies particularly to panic selling. As the coronavirus hit, people began panic sell mass amounts of stocks and commodities, which caused prices to tank.

Well, the market functions in a cyclical fashion, which means that even if it moves down for a long time, eventually it should recover and bounce back.

Sure, selling assets that are predicted to tank and to never recover is one thing, but selling off all of your assets that may very well bounce back and become stronger than ever is very short sighted. Remember, as an investor, you need to focus on long term goals, not the short term.


Diversify Your Investment & Trading Portfolio

Yet another risk management strategy for this COVID-19 pandemic to put to use is portfolio diversification. The fact is that if you put all of your eggs in one basket, and that basket breaks, you lose all of your eggs. So instead of just investing in one thing, invest in and trade multiple asset types. This way, if one fails, you still have the others to fall back on.

Coronavirus Risk Management


Use Stop Loss & Take Profit Orders Properly

Using stop loss and take profit orders properly is also another good way to manage risk during this uncertain time. Using trailing stop losses is going to be one of your best weapons to prevent excessive losses in this super volatile time.


Coronavirus Trading & Investing Risk Management

There you have it folks, some really good risk management tips for trading and investing during this tough time of the coronavirus pandemic.


Income Mentor Box

Learn Trading with Income Mentor Box

Learn Trading with Income Mentor Box

If you are an aspiring trader who needs to learn everything there is to know for success, Income Mentor Box is the place to be. This is one of the most reputable trading schools in the world, and it includes everything you need to become a pro. Let’s take a look at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy to find out what it’s all about.

Income Mentor Box

A Fully Comprehensive Curriculum

One thing that needs to be said about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is that it features one of the most comprehensive curriculums that you could possibly learn from. In total, there are 5 modules, each of which have roughly 11 full length lessons, for a total of 55 lessons.

Make no mistake about it, because these are not some short 5 minute tutorial videos that provide you with some footnotes and key takeaways. No, these are full length lessons, with each of them lasting for up to 40 minutes.

Each Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy lesson focuses on a very specific aspect of trading. It allows you to learn everything there is to know about a specific aspect, and then you can move onto the next lesson.

You will learn all about trading timing, the basics and fundamentals, terminology, entry and exit points, charts, graphs, oscillators, indicators, and everything in between. Simply put, if you are looking for a full scale education in trading, this is the place to be.


Income Mentor Box Has a Real Leader

The next thing worth mentioning about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the fact that it has a real leader. Sure, there are many other Forex and stocks trading schools out there, but most of them use either paid actors to play the role of a teacher, or the teacher is just not that knowledgeable.

Well, this is not the case here, because the leader of Income Mentor Box, the man whom you will learn everything from, is named Andrew Arm. Andrew might not be into fast sportscars, and he may be relatively young.

However, even at his young age, he has been day trading for about a decade now, and he has seen great success. What’s more, he has made all of the mistakes that a newbie trader could possibly make. Therefore, he can teach you how to avoid those mistakes. We do really like Andrew, because although he is a true trading professional and expert, he is not some self-proclaimed guru. He’s a down to earth kind of guy that people really enjoy learning from.


It’s Easy to Understand

Another great aspect of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the fact that it is designed specifically for beginners. It is made for people who have minimal or absolutely no prior trading experience.

This is important to note, because many trading courses are designed for people who already have a knowledge base. Well, courses like that are totally useless for newbies. If you have never traded or taken a trading course before, you need to start from the ground up, and you need the content to be easy to grasp.

This is exactly what the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provides you with, easy to understand and simple to grasp information that even a 10 year old child could master. While this course will teach you everything you need to know to be a successful Forex and stocks trader, it is taught in a way that makes it both fun and easy to learn.

Income Mentor Box


You Can Take Your Time

Next, what many people really love about the IMB Day Trading Academy is how you can take your time to work through the course. This is unlike many other courses and schools out there which reduce your learning to a certain time limit.

Some may only provide you with access to their materials for a few months or even just a few weeks. This may be ok for people who are super quick on the uptake, but it’s a disaster for people who need to take their time.

Well, with Income Mentor Box, once you become a member, you will have unlimited and lifetime access to all course content. You can choose to take 2 weeks, 2 months, or even 2 years to work your way through it. It’s all about learning at the pace that suits you best.


Income Mentor Box is Reasonably Priced

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the IMB Academy is the fact that you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg just to learn about day trading. There are trading courses out there that cost thousands of dollars, and they really don’t provide you with more useful info than Income Mentor Box.

The IMB Day Trading Academy costs only $299 to join. This is a much more reasonable and lower price than virtually any other Forex and stocks trading course out there. This is a day trading school that wants to help you learn how to trade, not to gouge you for every penny in your bank account.


You Get Free Forex Signals

Something else that you might really like about the IMB Day Trading Academy is how you get so much more than just an education. With IMB, you also get access to a great Forex signals service.

These Forex signals come complete with entry points, exit points, stop loss levels, and take profit levels too. All you have to do is take the signal as they appear and when they appear, and then copy and paste them into your broker or trading platform of choice. It’s a really easy way to make quick money in a reliable manner.

Income Mentor Box


Learning to Trade with Income Mentor Box

The bottom line is that the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is by far the best place for aspiring traders to learn everything there is to know in order to be successful. Of course, IMB provides you with the knowledge and skills to trade Forex, stocks, and more, but the rest is up to you.


Income Mentor Box


Stop Loss Orders in Forex

Stop Loss Orders in Forex

The fact of the matter is that the Forex market can be very unpredictable, which is why stop loss orders are so important. A stop loss order is one of the primary tools which a trader has at his or her disposal in order to avoid large losses. Today we want to take a closer look at exactly what stop loss orders are, why they are important, and what the different types are.

What are Stop Loss Orders?

Stop losses are a special type of order which can be executed on trading platforms and via your brokers. This is an order designed to limit losses in the even that the market goes in the opposite direction of a trade that was placed.

SL orders are set at a specified amount of pips away from the starting price. For instance, you can set these orders so that if a trade moves 10 pips against you, the trade will close on its own and save the rest of your investment, thus limiting the amount of money lost.

So, in essence, if you place a buy order, but the price goes down, a stop loss order would prevent you from losing the full investment.

The fact of the matter is that markets, especially the Forex market, is very volatile and often unpredictable. No matter how much work and analysis you put into your trades, things can always go wrong, and this is where SL orders come into play.

Stop Loss

5 Forex Stop Loss Strategies to Know

Here we have 5 different stop loss strategies that you can employ in order to limit losses in the event that a trade goes south.

Using Static Stops

One way to set a stop loss is to set it at a static price point, which means that you set it at a certain point and do not expect to move or change it. This is a really simple way to set an SL and it allows traders to easily set a one to one risk to reward ratio.

In other words, if you want to keep your risk to reward ratio at 1 to 1, you can set your static stop loss at 50 pips below the entry price, while setting the take profit at 50 pips above the entry price. This is by far the simplest way to set an SL order.

Setting Static Stops with Indicators

This method of setting SL levels is much like the first one we just looked at. However, this one also involves the use of indicators. Some people use indicators such as the ATR (average true range) to do this. The big bonus here is that instead of setting an arbitrary SL, traders use actual technical market information to set the stop loss.

The bonus here is that traders can accurately analyze risk management options by using indicators such as pivot points and price swings and by using recent market information. Unlike simple static stop losses, here you actually use market information to make your decision more accurate, reliable, and less costly in the even that a trade goes south.

Using Manual Trailing Stops

For those Forex traders who want to exercise maximum control over their trades at all times while those trades are open, using manual trailing stop loss orders is a good way to go.

In other words, this type of SL involves a trader needing to pay close attention to open positions, because the trader will manually move the stop loss according to what is unfolding in front of him or her.

In essence, the further a trade moves in favor of your position, the further the SL order is moved to accommodate this. Then, when the market trend finally reverses, the position will be stopped out.

Stop Loss

Trailing Break Even Stops

This specific type of trailing stop loss is similar to the other one we just looked at, but it allows for even better money management and risk management. Once again, a trailing SL is where a trader can adjust the SL level as the trade moves in his or her favor.

This is of course an attempt to mitigate as much risk as possible in the event that the trader makes a wrong decision and the market moves against him or her. The point here, for example, is that if you set the stop order to 50 pips below the entry price, if the price moves up by 50 pips, you can then adjust the stop order, say by 50 pips.

Now, your SL order would actually be at your break even point, or in other words, at the entry price. This is why this type of SL is also referred to as a trailing break even stop loss, because at the end of the day, the aim is to set the SL at the entry price, so that if a trade goes south, no money will be lost.

The Fixed Trailing Stop

The fifth and final type of SL order that we want to talk about today is the fixed trailing stop order. This type of stop order is like the other types of trailing stops, with the difference being that the trader sets the increments in which the stop loss order adjusts.

In other words, instead of manually having to adjust the order every time the market moves in your favor, you can set your trade to automatically adjust by a set amount of pips when the market moves in your favor. These automatic adjustments will continue until the trade is closed or until the stop order is hit.

Stop Loss Orders – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that when it comes to Forex trading, the stop loss order is indeed one of your best friends. You won’t always be able to place the right trade, and when the time comes, you will be thankful that you learned all about SL orders. They can end up saving you a whole lot of money!


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