Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 Best Settings

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 Best Settings

The Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 is a brand new automated forex trading system that was just released at the beginning of this week. Of course, one of the most important things that everybody wants to know is just how profitable this new automated trading software is. After all, the whole point of trading foreign currencies is to make money.

What we want to do today is to take a much closer look at the extensive testing that was performed on the software, as well as the results that it was able to achieve during this testing. Moreover, we then also have some very special settings for the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 that you can use to make easy money. there are both high risk and low risk settings for you to choose from. Today, we want to provide you with these best settings so you can make a great profits.

 Furthermore, our very own Andrew used these specific settings to trade using the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0. He was able to make great profits doing so, and this is what we want to share with you today. We are going to show you that using these exact same settings will allow you to make profits just like Andrew has within the videos.


Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 – Average Performance

Right before the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 was released, there was some testing done on it. In fact, there was some very extensive testing done. what we want to take a look at right now is one specific round of testing. The round of testing we are referring to featured a total of 335 trades.

Throughout all of these trades, the average ITM rate was somewhere around 70%. To be specific, 72.05% of short trades were won, and 68.39% of long trades were won. From your end, if you don’t change any of the settings, this means that you could expect the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 to win around seven out of every 10 trades that you place with it.

Another interesting fact is that without changing any of the settings, this software, during the testing round, was able to win up to 29 trades consecutively. On average, this software has the ability to win its seven consecutive trades when none of the settings are changed.

During this testing round, this automated forex system was able to produce a profit factor of 1.78. In other words, the initial investment was increased by 78%. This means that during the testing round, the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 was able to nearly double the investment. Now, keep in mind that this is all without changing any of the settings. However, as you are about to see below, there are some optimal settings that you can use with this software.


Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 – Best Settings

Of course, as a newbie trader, you don’t want to go messing with the settings and the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 by yourself. Rather, there are some special settings that you can download and simply apply to your application.

Now, there are two special types of settings that you can download for this software. The first of these settings is a high risk and high reward setting. In other words, this particular setting doesn’t have the greatest chance of winning consecutive trades, but individual trades will reward you greatly. This is what high risk high reward is all about.


There is then also a second setting, which as you have probably guessed is a low risk low reward setting. Using this low risk and low reward setting, you are likely to win the vast majority of trades that are placed by the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0. Yes, each trade will provide you with a profit, although that profit will be very small.

You just have to follow the links that we have provided right here to download the settings. Once you have downloaded the settings, within your meta trader platform, with this expert advisor open, simply upload the files to the strategy tester. Once you do so, they will become permanent settings that you can use.


Live Trading Results

OK, so we have now covered that there is a high risk and high reward setting for you to choose from, as well as a low risk and low reward setting. What we want to do now is to talk about the life trading results that we were able to achieve using the Ultimate Pip Scalper. Do keep in mind that our very own Andrew is a seasoned trading expert and he definitely knows what he is doing.

Here, specifically, we are looking at the live trading results that Andrew was able to achieve using both of these settings, the high risk high reward, and the low risk low reward setting. For a full breakdown of all of these best settings for the Ultimate Pip Scalper, as well As for detailed live trading results, we recommend watching the videos that we have included here today. Andrew describes everything in great detail and shows you everything visually.

First, using the low risk low reward setting, Andrew was able to make nearly $5000 in three days of trading. To be specific, over three days, the profits were $4950.60. Of course, this is absolutely fantastic.

Then, if we are talking about the high risk high reward setting, Andrew was able to make just a little less than that in just a single day of trading. Using the high risk high reward setting, and was able to make $4572.80 in just a single day of trading. As you can see, if you want to make consistent and daily profits using the Ultimate Pip Scalper, using these best settings is definitely recommended. Now, of course, these settings are not guaranteed to make profits for you, although the chances are very high.


Trading with the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 – Final Thoughts

As you can see, the Ultimate Pip Scalper is definitely a profitable piece of automated forex trading software. Based on the results within the testing round, as well as the results that Andrew was able to achieve using these best settings that you can download, it’s pretty clear that this is indeed one of the most profitable forex autotraders out there at this time.


Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0

For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 Setup & More

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 Setup & More

If you have not yet heard of the ultimate scalper 2.0, then you really have no idea what you are missing out on. In case you don’t know what it is, don’t worry, because we will explain this today. For the record, the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 is a very advanced automated forex trading application.

We have already done an introductory review on the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0. However, we will provide you with a quick rundown of exactly what it is and what it can do today. However, what we are really here to do today is to provide you with setup and installation instructions.

Installing and setting up the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 can be somewhat difficult. This is especially the case if you have never used such an expert advisor application before. Therefore, today, we’re going to do an Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 setup and installation guide.

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 Installation Guide

The Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 is not all that difficult to install or to set up. With that being said, you do still need to install it properly in order to use it. If you get any one of the following steps wrong, chances are that you won’t actually be able to use it. Therefore, would you recommend following each and every single one of the steps as closely as humanly possible.

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0

Install MetaTrader 4 or 5

What you do need to know about this particular fully automated forex trading application is the fact that it is not a freestanding trading platform. In fact, it is a separate application or expert advisor system that you have to attach to a specific trading platform.

To be specific, the ultimate scalper 2.0 have to be used with either MT4 or MT5. These are the two most popular trading platforms in the world right now, they are completely free, and user friendly.

Simply Google either one of these trading platforms and download it for free of cost. Once you have downloaded and installed Metatrader, you can then move on to the following steps.

Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0

Purchase the Pip Scalper

The next thing that you will need to do here is to actually purchase the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0. Of course, this system is not free, and you will have to make a payment.

For the record, it costs somewhere around $500. Considering that you can easily make this money back in a couple of days, this really shouldn’t be a problem.

Either way, you are going to have to make a purchase. Once you have purchased your copy of the ultimate pit scalper, you should also get a receipt in your email. you should also get the license key for activation in your email.

Download & Unzip The Scalper

You now have to go to Tradeomart.com. This is where you purchased your copy of the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0 from. Now, within the website, go to the section labeled downloads and licenses. Here you will be able to find your copy of the pip scalper that you just purchased.

Go find the file named UltimatePipScalper-v2.00.zip. you now have to download this file and all of its contents.

This is a zipped file, so you will need to unzip it. You can use any kind of standard file unzipping software to accomplish this. At this point, you should now be able to find 2 separate files, one called  .eX4, and the other called ,EX5, which are for both trading platforms, respectively.

Copy The Files Into MetaTrader

Now comes the part where most people have a bit of trouble. However, if you follow the steps as outlined here, this really shouldn’t be an issue. So, what you need to do here is to copy your version, or the files, to your Metatrader application.

Within your trading application, you are going to go to the folders labeled either MQL4 or MQL5. Of course, this depends on which version of the Metatrader application you have.

For Metatrader 4, copy the file named UltimatePipScalperMT4-v2.00.ex4 into the MQL4 directory. If using Metatrader 5, copy the filed named UltimatePipScalperMT5-v2.00.ex5 into the MQL5 directory.

Now, in the trading platform, access the navigator. Now, you have to right click on the subtree that is labeled expert advisors. You are now going to right click on it, and hit refresh. You should not be able to expand the expert advisors tree, and you should be able to find the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0.

Activate Your Copy of the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0

You are now going to have to use your license key to activate your copy of this software, and you’re going to need to set your Metatrader platform to allow it to be used.

First, within your trading platform, go to the tools tab, then select options, then select expert advisors. you are now going to want to check the box that is labeled as allow web request for listed URL.

You are then going to want to add tradeomart.com to the list below this checkbox. At this point, you will also see a section where you can enter your license key period you should be able to find this on either tradomart.com or within your email receipt.

UPS2.0 License Troubleshooting

You may experience a couple of license activation issues, which we are going to address right now.

If you get an error message as follows, Error HTTP(-1): 4060 and HTTP(-1): 4014, you have to go into the expert advisors tab in MT4 or mT5, check the Allow WebRequests Box, and add tradomart.com to the list. Save the settings and restart the platform.

If you get the following error message, Error(86), you have entered the wrong license key.

If you get an error message as follows, Error HTTP(-1): 5020 and HTTP(1004): 5203, then you need to deactivate the security measures on your computer to allow for server communication.

The Ultimate Pip Scalper Setup Guide

You should now know exactly how to set up the Ultimate Pip Scalper 2.0. Stay tuned, because we will also be doing tutorials on how to use this software, profits and results updates, and more too.


For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

New Automated Forex Trading System

New Automated Forex Trading System Release

If you are an inspiring forex trader, or already trade forex on a regular basis, you might be on the hunt for a new forex trading system that can help make your life a little bit easier. The unfortunate reality is that of course, the majority of Forex trading systems out there at this time just don’t really work. Some of them are total scams and most of them just don’t produce any profits.

This is why we are very pleased to announce that there is a new automated forex trading system being released next week. As far as we know, with this new automated Forex trading application is going to be released on Monday February 28th. Now, at this time, we cannot yet divulge certain facts about it, with its name being the biggest one.

We have been sworn to total secrecy, so we can’t tell you what it’s called just yet, but there are some facts about it that we can tell you at this time. This is what we are here to do today, to provide you with a sneak peak of this new forex trading system that will be released after beginning of next week.

New Automated Forex Trading System

New Automated Forex Trading System Coming Soon – A Sneak Peak

Like we said above, there are a few facts about this new automated forex trading system that we can tell you, so let’s do that right now.

  • This brand new automated forex system is not going to be its own trading platform. Rather, it is an expert advisor or application that has to be attached to other trading platforms. As far as we know, it’s going to be used with both MT4 and MT5. No worries, we will be providing you with installation instructions.
  • Something that you might appreciate is that this new automated trading application is designed to trade all forex pairs on all timeframes. this in itself is something that forex traders will definitely appreciate.
  • What is also worth noting is that this new forex trading system is set to be 100% automated. There are many forex trading apps out there, but most of them are semi automated, which means that you still need to do most of the work period however, this new application is indeed going to 100% automated. This means that it does all of the research and trading on your behalf. You literally just have to turn it on, set the parameters, and watch as it generates profits for you.
  • Something else that we can tell you about this new 4X trading system is that it is indeed profitable period now, of course results will vary from one person to another period that said, there has been some preliminary testing done on it, and according to this, you can expect the ITM or win rate to be somewhere around 70%.

The New Autotrader for Forex – Coming Soon!

The bottom line here is that if you want a tool to help make forex trading much easier, faster, and more profitable, you need to wait for Monday February 28th, because this is when the new automated system is going to be released. Stay tuned, because we will be doing a whole lot of writing about it.

Finding the Best Trading Setup

Finding the Best Trading Setup

One of the most difficult aspects of being a newbie trader is finding the best trading setup for your circumstances. Finding the best trading setup is absolutely crucial to your overall success. After all, a good and profitable trade all starts at the beginning.

Therefore, exactly how you enter a trade is going to dictate how much money you make, or if you make money at all. Generally speaking, this is the case whether you are a forex trader, crypto currency trader, stock market trader, commodities trader, or anything in between.

The fact of the matter is that if you don’t have a good trading setup, nothing is going to go your way and you are most likely going to lose trades. Here, you need to know what the best charts are to find your best trading setups, and this is the case in terms of the time frames.

Moreover, knowing whether or not to use indicators, and which indicators are best is essential to. The fact of the matter is that to make your life is easy and profitable as possible, finding the best trading setup is absolutely essential. However, today we are going to keep things very simple.

We are going to help you find the best trading setup simply by looking at your charts and using support and resistance levels. We aren’t even really going to talk about using indicators, besides the small section at the end. Let’s get right to it and help you find the best trading setups so you can start making money on a daily basis.

trading setup

How to Find the Best Trading Setup

Do you plan on finding the best trading setup for you, looking for a set up where you can determine that the price is going to break out of a key level is essential. This is generally what we are here to look at today, price is breaking out of support and resistance levels.

One of the best things that you can do when finding the best trading setup is to take a look at the triangle trading pattern. Here, you are looking for either uptrending markets or downtrending markets, and here you are looking to create a triangle shape. Once you have created a triangle shape that is complete with corridors, you can then place profitable trades.

The really neat thing about this type of trading setup is that it is very simple and all you need are your charts, as well as knowing how to place support and resistance levels. Moreover, you also need to remember that this is all about trading quality not about trading quantity. The fact of the matter is that if you find a good trading setup, you don’t need the place many trades at all.

The more trades you place, the more risk you engagement, and the more attention you have to pay to all of those individual trades. Therefore, the best thing you can do as a newbie trader is to place one single trade per day where you can make many thousands of dollars of profits.

trading setups

Using the Best Timeframe

One of the things that is very crucial when it comes to finding the best trading setup is having the right time frame to begin with. When you are setting up your trades, especially when using this triangle support and resistance method come what you always want to look at the longer timeframes first. Generally speaking, you want to look at the one day time frame first, you then want to look at the one hour time frame.

Remember that while shorter timeframes are good for some purposes, they really aren’t the best for finding the best trading setup. However, those shorter timeframes are ideal for finding specific entry points.

What you are looking for here is when the price breaks out of that triangle that you just created. This is where you will find the best trades. What you are looking at here are your support and resistance lines. You are going to use those support and resistance lines to place your trade.


Best Forex Signals

Using Support and Resistance

What you need to know now is how to place those support and resistance lines to find those triangle corridors to trades with. Of course, the point here is for you to see when the price breaks out of one of these corridors, either breaks out of support or breaks resistance.

the next thing that you need to know here is that if the price breaks the upper resistance line, then your take profit is going to be the previous swing high level. Of course, what you are going to do here is to place a buy trade. On the other hand, if the price breaks below the support level, then you are going to want to place a sell trade. The take profit level here is going to be the previous swing low.

trading setups

That said, you obviously don’t want to spend all day sitting in front of your computer waiting for these breakouts to occur. Because of this, it is very beneficial if you set up the alert system in your trading platform of choice.

This way, you can set up your support and resistance levels, and then, when the price breaks one of these support or resistance levels, your computer or smartphone will notify you, therefore allowing you to place a trade very quickly.

However, things don’t end there, because you continue making money. The fact of the matter is that if the price breaks the resistance line, and continues rising, you then want to place a second resistance line up top. This second resistance line is going to be at the next swing high level.

The first resistance line was broken, so it actually becomes your new support line, and you then place a new resistance line. You now have two trading corridors for two trades, the first support and resistance zone, and the second support and resistance zone. Both of these zones allow you to place profitable trades.

trading setups

Finding the Best Trading Setup – Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, if you follow the tips as listed above, you should have no problems finding the best trading setups for you. If you are able to do this, then making profits on a daily basis becomes much easier.

Let’s not forget that there are also many awesome tools at your disposal, such as the UPSI or Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator. This is an awesome tool that can provide you with simple buy end sell signals that you can then act on.


For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

How to Profit from a Stock Market Correction

How to Profit from a Stock Market Correction

As a stock market trader, one of the worst things that can happen to you is when there is a stock market correction. For the record, a stock market correction is one as stock market index, such as the S&P 500, goes below 10% or more from its high. Moreover, stock market corrections usually last for anywhere from two to four months. Yes, stock market corrections can turn into a bear market.

Now, what we really want to talk about today is how you can profit from a stock market correction. There are various practical trading techniques you can utilize to still make money even in the event of a stock market correction.

 These techniques will allow you to reduce potential losses, and even to make money from a stock market correction. Let’s go over all of the different methods at your disposal too manage your risk and to profit from a stock market correction.

Use a Portfolio Defense Mechanism

Generally speaking, in order to manage risk properly, most would recommend that you never invest more than 10% of your portfolio balance into a single stock. This means that if you have a $2500 portfolio, you shouldn’t invest more than $250 into certain stocks. You also want to make sure that you have a stop loss order that is just 10% under your entry price.

The reason why you want to do this, have 10% allocation and a negative 10% stop loss, is because if you lose a trade, you only really lose 1%. However, when there is a stock market correction, this can still be quite dangerous.  

The official recommendation here, to get through these stock market corrections, is that you only allocate 5% of your trading capital per trade. This also means that you can have more trades open at once. If you allocate 10% of your trading capital into a single trade, it means that you can have 10 trades open at once.

However if you allocate 5% of your trading capital into a single trade, it means that you can have 20 trades open at once. If you keep the stop loss level at negative 10% from the entry price, this means that you’re only risking 0.5% per trade.

Therefore, you want to allocate no more than 5% of your portfolio portrayed, you want to have a negative 10% stop loss from the entry price, with a risk of just 0.5% per trade, and 20 trades open at once. Another part of this defense mechanism is to diversify your portfolio. Simply put, having all your eggs in the same basket is never a good idea.

Follow the Market Leaders

Yes, making sure that all of your eggs are in the same basket is important. However, how do you know which of the eggs you need to invest in. Yes, there are plenty of opinions out there, but they’re not all correct. Fact of the matter is that you are the one making the final call here, so you’re really the only one to blame. Yes, you have to find the right kind of stocks to invest in. The best way to do this is to use a simple stock Screener.

There is one good theory to take note of here, which is that when a price seems too high and risky to the majority of people, then it will usually go higher. However if the majority of people think that up price is too low and cheap, it will usually go lower. When using a stock market Screener, you want to take a look at the 52 week highs, as well as the rate of change.

Stock Market Correction

Using these two features on any good stock Screener, you can then identify the best stocks to invest in. However, before you enter into a trade, just make sure that the stocks in question still need your general trading plan. No matter the case, you generally don’t want to stray very far from your proven and time tested trading strategy.


Managing Trades to Decrease Risk and Increase Rewards

Of course, during a market correction, you want to decrease your risk as much as possible while also increasing the rewards. Having the highest possible reward to risk ratio is of course what you are looking for.

There are three things that you can do to assist with this. You can allocate small, you can scale in and move your stop loss to the break even point, and you can also use a trailing stop loss. Let’s take a quick look at all three.

First of all, as mentioned above, you do only want to allocate 5% into a single trade. However, remember that you are in a stock market correction, So what you can do here is allocate another 5% of your stock position. However, you then need to move your stop loss to the break even point.

The last thing that you then need to do is to trail your stop loss. This means that you can keep making more and more money while keeping your risk level in check. using a moving average trailing stop loss can be very beneficial in this sense.

Stock Market Correction

Increase Gains When the Market Correction  Ends

Keep in mind that stock market correction is usually end after three or four months. However, a stock market correction can last longer and it may get worse. There’s no fixed rule as to when they will end, so you are looking for a solution, here you want to look at the price.

Here you are looking for the stock index to break and then close above its all time high. If this happens, then there is a good chance that the stock market correction is over. Once this happens, you can then start allocating more money into your investments.

Surviving a Stock Market Correction – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, you should now be able to survive a stock market correction with ease. Remember, risk management is at the forefront of this stock market correction survival technique.


For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

A Guide to Bullish Candlestick Patterns

A Guide to Bullish Candlestick Patterns

If you want to start being a consistent and profitable trader, knowing what Candlestick patterns are all about is very important. As far as technical analysis is concerned, candlestick charts are some of the best tools that you have at your disposal. These candlestick patterns are ideal for helping you to identify trends and trend reversals in the market.

What we are here to look at today are very bullish candlestick patterns, and what they mean. In case you didn’t know, candlestick patterns usually form at the end of a trend, and they generally signify the beginning of a new trend. candlestick patterns are formed when one, 2, or more candlesticks form a certain pattern. Even a single candlestick can sometimes be an indication of what is to come.

As far as identifying trend reversals go, being able to read a variety of Candlestick patterns is extremely important period today, we want to look at bullish candlestick patterns, which usually form at the end of a downtrend, and signify that an uptrend is going to happen. Let’s take a closer look at how to read Candlestick charts, as well as what some of the most common bullish candlestick patterns are.


How to Read a Candlestick Chart

Candlestick patterns have been used in the western world for trading for well over 100 years at this point, and for good reason. This is in part because they provide you with various pieces of information about a security.

For instance, the four things that a candlestick tells you is what the closing price and the opening price was at, as well as what the highest price and the lowest price traded at was during a day.

In terms of the anatomy of the candlestick, that large or rectangular part is known as the body or the real body of the candle. This indicates the link between the opening price and the closing price for a given day. This body also shows you what the price range is between the opening price and the closing price for any given day.

If you see that the real body of the candle is black, filled in, or red, it indicates that the opening price is higher than the closing price, and this is what is generally known as a bearish candle. It indicates that the price opened high, but the bears then pushed the price down, causing the price to close lower than the opening price.

On the other hand, if you see that the real body of the candle is empty, white, or green, it means that the opening price was lower than the closing price. This is what is known as a bullish candle. This is a strong indication that the price opened, with the bulls then pushing the price upwards, which caused it to close at a higher level than it opened.

Those thin and vertical lines that you see both above and below the real body of a candle is what is known as the Wick or the shadow. This tells you what the lowest and the highest prices for an asset was during a given day. Bullish candles represent strength and they are always green.

5 Bullish Candlestick Patterns for You To Know

What we want to do right now is to take a closer look at the five most common bullish candlestick patterns that you need to be aware of.


Three White Soldiers

The three white soldiers Candlestick pattern consists of three long bullish candles. These do not have long shadows, or any shadows at all. Each candle opens at least halfway above the open of the previous candle. This is a bullish candlestick pattern that forms at the end of a downtrend and it indicates that a bullish reversal is in the works.

The Morning Star

Another common bullish candlestick pattern that forms at the end of a downtrend is the Morningstar. The Morningstar also consists of three separate candlesticks. The first candlestick is a bearish candle, the second one is a doji candle, and the third is a bullish candle.

The first candle indicates a continuation of a downtrend, the second candle shows indecision in the market, and the third candle is a bullish one that indicates that the bulls are back in power. Keep in mind that the second candle should be completely below both the first and the third candles.


Bullish Engulfing

One of the most common bullish candlestick patterns out there is known as bullish engulfing. This is a candlestick pattern that forms at the end of a downtrend and indicates that there is a bullish reversal happening.

This particular pattern consists of two candles, with the second candle completely engulfing the first candle. The first of the two candles is bearish, and it indicates a continuation of a downtrend, but the second candle is a much longer and larger bullish candle that completely engulfs the first one, and signifies that the bulls are back in power.

The Piercing Pattern

The 4th bullish candlestick pattern that we want to take a look at is known as the piercing pattern, and it’s also another one that forms at the end of the downtrend. This particular candlestick pattern consists of two separate candles, with the first one being a bearish candle that it signifies a continuation of a downtrend. However, the second candle is a bullish candle, with the gap down closing more than 50% of the real body. This is another strong indication that the bulls are back in power.


The Hammer

The 5th and final bullish candlestick pattern that we want to take a quick look at is known as the hammer. The real body of this candle is very small and is at the top with a lower shadow that should be more than twice the length of the real body.

It also has absolutely no or a very little upper shadow. Here, you can see how the prices open and the sellers then pushed the price down, but the buyers then came back into the market and pushed the price back up, with the result being that the price closed higher than it opened.


Bullish Candles – The Bottom Line

The bottom line here is that if you could read candlestick patterns, then you’re one step closer to being your consistent and profitable trader. Today, we’ve covered bullish candlestick patterns, but stay tuned, because we will also be covering bearish candlestick patterns.


For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

OspreyFX ECN Broker Review

OspreyFX ECN Broker Review


There are tons of online brokers out there, and today we want to review one known as OspreyFX. Let’s take a closer look at this OspreyFX broker to see what it brings to the table.



OspreyFX Broker: Important Details

Right now, we want to take a closer look at all of the most important facts and details that you need to know about this OspreyFX broker. There is a lot to cover, so let’s get right to it.

Trading Assets & Features

The OspreyFX broker is an extremely versatile broker that is designed to allow clients to trade a wide variety of assets. This particular broker allows clients to trade with a variety of assets. These include cryptocurrencies, regular currencies, and stocks, as well as commodities.

At this time, there are over 30 different cryptocurrency pairs to trade with period there are over 55 different forex currencies to trade with. There are also well over 100 stock to trade with, as well as a large amount of commodities. Simply put, OspreyFX is a one stop shop for all of your trading needs.

What you may also appreciate about this broker is that the minimum lot size per trade is just 0.01. Also, you only have to make a minimum deposit of $10 when opening account. On that same note, trades can be leveraged by up to a factor of 500 to one, which is a whole lot no doubt.


The Forex Calculators

One of the coolest aspects about this broker is that it comes complete with a Forex calculator. These Forex calculators allow clients to trade with much better insight into the market. These calculators are all about allowing clients to perform at that accurate evaluations so that they can get the most out of their trades.

All of the values used in the calculators are calculated using real time scenarios, as well as your broker’s current market prices. OspreyFX comes complete with a pip value calculator, a margin calculator, a swaps calculator, and a currency converter. All of these are designed to allow for the best possible risk management.

Daily News Updates

Something else that stands out above the OspreyFX broker the fact that it comes complete with daily news updates. Daily news updates are a big part of fundamental analysis. Knowing what is happening around the world, particularly in terms of economies, politics, manufacturing, and more, is extremely important for trading.

All of these things greatly affect the values of stocks, currencies, and crypto currencies, and therefore, being aware of these updates is vital to your success as a trader. This is something that the OspreyFX broker provides you with.


Trading Education is Included

Something that really stands out about this OspreyFX broker is the fact that it provides you with trading education, particularly for cryptocurrency trading and forex trading. this broker provides clients with an extremely wide variety of educational resources. Here, you will learn more or less everything that you need to know in order to be a profitable trader.

What is cool here is that there are various levels of education for you to engage in. There are educational resources here designed for beginners, for intermediate traders, and even for advanced traders too. The amount of educational content that is broker features is more or less unrivaled by any other broker out there.


Funded Accounts

Something else that stands out about this particular broker is the fact that it provides clients with so-called funded accounts. If you are using a funded account, it means that you get an account that already has money on it and do not need to make a deposit. In other words, here you get to trade with someone else’s money.

That being said, do only get to keep 70% of the profits that you make. However, being able to trade without any risk whatsoever, because you are trading with someone else’s money, is of course a huge benefit. Being able to keep 70% of the profits generated with someone else’s money is pretty darn good no doubt.

Keep in mind that there is a fairly lengthy process involved to get a funded account. Mainly, you have to use two different demo accounts. You have to use one demo account for a month comment and you have to make at least 10% profit in 30 days.

You then have to do the same thing with the second demo account. once you get it through these first two stages and have proven that you are a reliable and profitable trader, you will then be awarded with a funded account where you get 70% of all of the profits that you generate.


The Affiliate Program

OspreyFX also uses a special affiliate program to market its own services, and affiliate program that can allow you as a client to earn a great deal of commissions on your referrals. Of course, the main goal here is to get you to refer other people to use this OspreyFX broker.

When those people then trade using your affiliate link, you get a certain amount of money. To be specific, when you are an affiliate with this broker, you will start earning commissions for every lot that is generated by your referrals.

Every time a lot over $10 is traded using your affiliate link, you will get weekly commissions. Yes, these commissions are paid out on a weekly basis. Keep in mind that there are various tiers of affiliate here. For each additional tier of the affiliate program that you reach, you will get additional commissions.

ECN Connectivity

The next thing that stands out about the OspreyFX broker is the fact that it provides you with market leading rates and trading conditions. This is all thanks to the fact that clients are supplied with true ECN connectivity. This ECN connectivity is exactly what makes it possible for all kinds of this broker to trade using institutional grade liquidity.

This liquidity all comes from the world’s top investment banks, dark pool liquidity exchanges, and hedge funds. What this also means is that all clients who use this broker do not have to deal with any rate manipulation, dealing desk, or re quoting. If you are looking for flawless execution, great spreads, and high trading volumes, then this particular broker is definitely one that you should check out.


Risk Management

What also stands out about this particular broker is the fact that it engages in a high quality risk management.

What is meant here is that the OspreyFX broker regularly and consistently analyzes, pinpoints, monitors, and regulates each and every single type of risk that is associated with all of its day-to-day operations.

All policies and procedures are continuously monitored and updated. Thanks to this, this broker is able to cover all of its capital requirements and financial requirements with absolute ease.

Tier One Banking

The OspreyFX broker uses only tier one banking. This broker works with only the top financial institutions in the world, which helps to ensure great reliability. This also helps to ensure that there is a huge pool of liquidity available to trade with at all times.

This also helps to ensure that payment service providers are flawless and fast, especially when it comes to deposits and withdrawals. This broker works with banks around the world, as well as other top financial institutions. It’s all about ensuring that your funds are secure, and that trades are instantly and reliably executed.


Segregated Fund Accounts

What you may also appreciate about the osprey FX broker is that all funds that are deposited by clients are held either in your name or in that of the broker itself. You can choose to hold onto your funds in your own name and in your own account.

However, you can also choose to have OspreyFX hold your funds in a segregated and independent bank account. It’s a really good way to ensure that the funds of this broker and your own funds are tracked separately.

This broker can easily distinguish between funds held for you and another client, as well as from its own funds. What is also worth noting is that all funds from clients are kept off balance and they’re certainly never used to pay creditors.

MetaTrader 4

The final thing that we want to mention about this OspreyFX broker is the fact that it uses MetaTrader 4 for all of its trading purposes. MetaTrader 4 is of course one of the most popular trading platforms in the world, and it’s because it is efficient, reliable, and user-friendly.

You can use this trading platform to trade manually, automatically, or socially. When it comes down to it, this is often considered to be the best and number one performing trading platform in the world.


Osprey Broker Review – Final Thoughts

As you can see, whether you are a beginner or a pro trader, and whether you want to trade stocks, Forex, cryptocurrencies, or commodities, the OspreyFX broker is one of the best out there. It’s definitely a broker that we would recommend using.

For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

Consistent Trading with Mentor Box

Consistent Trading with Mentor Box

If you want to learn to trade the markets consistently and profitably, the Mentor Box line of trading schools could be right for you. This is a line of trading schools that is designed to turn losing newbies into winning traders. There are two main schools we want to look at today. These include Stock Trading Mentor Box and the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Mentor Box

The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy

If you are looking for a great day trading school, then Income Mentor Box is a great place to be. The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is at this time one of the most popular day trading academies in the world. In terms of its overall focus, it does primarily focus on forex trading, although it will also keep shoot some stock market trading tips.

Mentor Box

One of the things that really stands out about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the fact that it is a fully comprehensive educational course. You actually get a whole lot of value here, as the course consists of well over 50 full length lessons. Each of the lessons are around 20 minutes in length, so they are very detailed. Moreover, each of the lessons focuses on a specific topic, which is explained in great detail.


Mentor Box

The course starts out with the basics and terminology, and then gradually advances its way up to the more complex aspects of day trading. It’s a very well organized course that starts with the basics, with each lesson acting as a stepping stone for the next lesson. There is no jumping around and there aren’t any random lessons, because everything is very well structured and organized, and is therefore ideal for newbies. The well structured curriculum is ideal for newbies to learn from because it provides them with a foundation of knowledge that they can then continuously build upon.

What also stands out about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the teacher himself, Andrew. Andrew is a longtime day trader, one of the most followed and popular ones in the world at this time. Andrew is a proficient forex, cryptocurrency, and stock market trader, and he makes a full time living doing so. not only is he an excellent trader, but also a fantastic teacher. He has this super approachable and down to earth nature that makes it easy for newbies to learn. He’s also very easy to approach, and is always willing to help.

Mentor Box

The fact is of course that the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is a 100% online trading school. This means that you can learn from the comfort of your own home, and moreover on your own time period there are absolutely no time constraints or limits at all. Once you pay your fee and become a member of this trading school, you will have unlimited, full, and lifetime access to all course content. If you need a trading school that will teach you everything you need to know about forex trading, then the Income Mentor Box a trading Academy is definitely the place to be.



Free Forex Signals Service

What is also worth mentioning about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the fact that it comes complete with the free forex signals service. This signal service is hosted on the telegram messenger app, and it provides you with up to a dozen professionally researched trading ideas every single day.

This is what trading signals are, professionally researched signals that are analyzed by professionals and state of the art computer algorithms. These signals are trading ideas are then released to you, up to a dozen every single day, and they all come complete with entry points and exit points.

Income Mentor Box

In other words, using this Income Mentor Box forex signals service is more or less just a copy and paste job. You simply wait for the signals to appear, and then copy and paste them into your broker or trading platform of choice along with the necessary parameters that are included. These signals are accurate well over 90% of the time, which means that making money is almost guaranteed.


Best Forex Signals

Stock Trading Mentor Box

Another awesome trading school from the mentor box line is Stock Trading Mentor Box. As you can probably tell from the name of it, this particular trading school focuses on stock market trading period now, we aren’t going to spend as much time explaining this as with Income Mentor Box, mainly because Stock Trading Mentor Box is more or less the same thing, but just for stock market trading instead of Forex trading.

Mentor Box

With that being said, with the Stock Trading Mentor Box Academy, you get the same great curriculum. It also features well over 50 full length and fully comprehensive lessons that are very well detailed, structured, and organized.

With the Stock Trading Mentor Box, you get a fully comprehensive curriculum that will teach you everything you need to know to be a professional, profitable, and confident stock market trader. It will keep you all of the best terms, concepts, tools, and strategies, as well as psychology, that you need to know in order to be a consistent stock market trader.

Stock Trading Mentor Box

Of course, we also get the same great teacher here, Andrew, who has this way of explaining these super difficult stock market concepts in ways that are very easy for newbies to understand. When it comes down to it, this might just be one of the best stock market trading schools out there, and it even comes with a state of the art indicator included for free.


The Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator

The state of the art indicator that comes included with Stock Trading Mentor Box is known as the UPSI or Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator. This is a very high quality indicator that you can attach to your trading you charts. All you have to do then is to wait for profitable buy and sell signals to appear, and then place your trades.

Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator Mentor Box

Keep in mind that this stays a scalping indicator, which means under his best used for short term trades, which many people should like, because it means that you can profit on a daily basis by using this Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator.

Stock Trading Mentor Box

If you want to make easy money, you need a good indicator, you need a tool that can provide you with awesome buy and sell signals so you don’t really have to do much research, then the Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator  is definitely something to keep an eye on. Keep in mind that you can purchase the Ultimate Profit Scalping Indicator  separately, although it is more cost effective if you get it along with Stock Trading Mentor Box.



Profitable Trading with Mentor Box – The Bottom Line

if you need to learn today trade, mainly forex, then you definitely want to check out the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, especially as it comes complete with a free forex signal service. However, if you want to be a professional stock market trader, and we recommend checking out Stock Trading Mentor Box. Remember that it also comes complete with that awesome state of the art indicator.

For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more! 

The Hugo’s Way FX Broker: An Objective Review

The Hugo’s Way FX Broker: An Objective Review


If you are planning to trade cryptocurrencies, Forex, commodities, stocks, or anything in between, then you need to have a good broker. This is where the Hugo’s Way FX broker comes into play.

A good broker that allows you to trade a wide variety of assets, is easy to use, very secure, versatile, and has low fees is what you need. That said, finding a good broker like this is easier said than done.

That said, there is a fairly new broker out there called Hugo’s Way, and it’s making a big impact in the trading community.

Hugo’s Way is a fully licensed and registered broker that allows people to trade using virtually any market asset out there. It comes with great spreads, huge amounts of leverage, tons of security features, and more.

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro trader, if you need a reliable, safe, and user friendly broker, then Hugo’s Way is worth checking out. Right now, we want to take an in-depth look at the Hugo’s Way broker to see exactly what it brings to the table.

Hugo’s Way

Hugo’s Way FX Broker: A Basic Overview

When it comes to this Hugo’s Way broker, there are tons of features to talk about. Simply put, it comes with everything you need for fast, easy, reliable, and profitable market trading. Let’s figure out exactly what you get when you sign up with Hugo’s Way.

Trading Assets & Features

The first thing worth mentioning with this particular broker is that it allows you to trade a truly ridiculous amount of assets. Hugo’s Way broker allows you to trade all major forex currency pairs, Forex crosses, and exotic Forex pairs. All in all, there are 55 different currencies that can be traded with this broker.

Hugo’s Way

Not only is this a great forex broker, but also a great cryptocurrency broker. It features 38 different cryptocurrencies for people to trade with. moreover, it doesn’t end there, because this is also an online stock broker. It features 73 different stocks that can be traded with. Furthermore, this broker also allows clients to trade both commodities and indices.

In terms of the variety of assets that can be traded, Hugo’s Way is one of the most versatile brokers out there. What is also worth noting is that using this broker, you can leverage your trades by up to 500 times, and there is just a 0.01 minimum lot size required for trades. Based on this, it is safe to say that this broker is ideal for both newbies and professional traders.

Segregated Client Funds & Tier One Banking

What you may also like about this particular broker is that it features segregated client funds. This means that any funds that you deposit into this broker for trading can be held by you and in your own name.

Hugo’s Way

However, if you choose, you can also have Hugo’s Way hold onto your funds for you, which are held in an independent bank account on your behalf. This broker really does provide you with the best of both worlds.

What is also worth noting here is that the Hugo’s Way broker uses only tier one banking. This means that this broker works extremely closely with all of its service providers. This helps to ensure that all deposits and withdrawals are flawless, fast, and 100% reliable.

Institutional Grade Liquidity

What also stands out about this versatile broker is the fact that it features institutional grade liquidity from top banks. This broker uses only deep liquidity that is sourced from a pool of the top investment banks out there.

This helps to ensure that all clients of this broker get the best possible trading positions. This also helps to ensure that all of the rates on the market for traders are as good as can be. Using institutional grade liquidity also helps to ensure that all orders are filled straight away without any delays.

This also means that you are able to trade with ultra tight spreads, that start at 0.0 pips. All of your trades are processed directly through the genuine ECN trading environment. Working with the world’s largest investment banks helps to ensure reliable, fast, and low cost trading. Hugo’s Way is one of the best brokers out there in this regard.

Hugo’s Way

STP Execution

Something else that you should definitely appreciate about this particular broker is the fact that it uses the STP or straight through processing execution model. What this means is that whenever you place a trade using the Hugo’s Way broker, you won’t ever have to deal with any re-quotes, repainting, or desk manipulation. This is definitely something that helps make this broker a lot more reliable.

This also ensures that there are no conflicts of interest present. All of the trades that this broker executes are processed via the Hugo’s Way aggregator. This therefore guarantees that you always get the absolute best rates on all of your trade, as the rates come from the aforementioned of top tier financial institutions.

To Notch Risk Management

This broker also excels at risk management. This broker regularly and consistently monitors, regulates, analyzes, and pinpoints all of the different types of risks that are associated with all of its day-to-day operations.

 In terms of reliability, safety, and security, this is one of the best brokers out there at this time. It’s all about keeping risk levels at a minimum, to ensure that your trades will be as reliable and profitable as possible. It also has to do with ensuring that all trades and transactions are 100% safe and secure.

Hugo’s Way

Trading with MetaTrader 4

Another aspect about this Hugo’s Way broker is the fact that it uses the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. For those of you who don’t know, the MetaTrader 4 platform is one of the best trading platforms out there, and it has tons of awards to back up this claim.

This is one of the highest award winning brokers out there at this time, and it has received countless awards over the past few years. It is at this time the world’s number one most popular trading platform. It can be used by forex traders, cryptocurrency traders, stock market traders, commodities traders, indices traders, and by everyone in between.

What is also really cool is that MetaTrader 4 is an extremely versatile platform in terms of the types of trading that you can engage in. It allows for very easy social trading so you can follow the other best traders out there, it allows for manual trading, and it even allows for totally automated trading too. Meta trader four is an extremely user friendly platform that both beginners and professionals love.

Hugo’s Way FX Broker Demo Account

Something that all of the newbie traders out there are really going to love about this particular broker is the fact that you can’t sign up for a demo account. Yes, you can only make money if you sign up for a live account, but with that said, as a beginner trader, you might not yet have the skills or confidence you need to actually be profitable.


Hugo’s Way

 If you want to just practice your skills, refine your trainings to add strategies, and refine your risk management skills, then we definitely recommend trying the Hugo’s Way demo account.

The demo account allows you to trade under real and live market conditions, but without having to risk real money. Then, once you have refined your skills enough to feel confident in your trading skills, you can then open a live account and start trading with real money to make actual profits.


The Hugo’s Way FX Broker Affiliate Program

Something else that stands out about Hugo’s Way is that it is one of the few brokers that has an actual legitimate affiliate program. As a member of this broker, you can refer your friends and family to also join this broker.

Then, once any of your referrals trade using this broker, you will get a small portion of the investment that your referrals make. Even if your referrals don’t win their trades, you still get a small amount of money.

What is also worth mentioning is that you then also get some money when your referrals refer other people. This kind of multi level referral system means that you stand to gain great profits simply when your referrals trade, or when your referrals refer other people. It’s an easy and fast way to make some additional money.

24/7 Client Support

The other great aspect of this particular broker is the fact that it comes complete with reliable 24/7 client support. This means that whenever you have an issue, you can contact client support, and they will help you right away.

Hugo’s Way

Hugo’s Way FX Broker Review – Final Thoughts

As you can see, if you need a broker that is ideal for both beginners and veteran traders, one that allows you to trade with virtually all of the assets in the world, and one that allows for very user friendly trading, then this Hugo’s Way broker is definitely one that we recommend checking out.



For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more!