Why Take Day Trading Lessons?

Why Take Day Trading Lessons?

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Have you tried trading Forex, stocks, or anything else, but have not seen success and have been hampered down with countless losses? Well ,have you ever considered taking day trading lessons to help you hone your skills and perfect your trading strategies? The fact of the matter is that many people think they can just start winning trades and banking cash, just like that, but of course, this is not so. Day trading lessons are a must for anybody who wants to join the trader’s world! So, why should you consider taking trading lessons?

Trading Lessons


Day Trading Lessons Provide You With Mentorship

One of the biggest reasons why we would recommend taking trading lessons is because they provide you with real mentorship. Sure, you could go read some blog or watch some YouTube videos, but the information found online is mostly incomplete, if not just really bad. There is also the fact that there are tons of self-proclaimed trading gurus out there that know about as much about trading as monkeys know about rocket science.

When it comes down to it, you can’t learn to day trade on your own. It is more or less impossible to learn day trading, whether Forex or stocks, on your own. Here at the Income Mentor Box Academy, we provide the most comprehensive and in depth set of trading lessons out there right now. Our mentor, Andrew, has been trading for close to a decade and he knows what he is doing. It’s much easier to learn trading when you have an expert who can explain things to you in an easy to understand manner, something Andrew is adept at.



Trading Lessons Give You Trading Experience

Another reason why trading lessons are so important is because they provide you with much needed experience. By following along with all of the trading lessons at Income Mentor Box, you will gain the experience you need to trade confidently on your own. The fact of the matter is that if you start day trading without any experience at all, chances are you will suffer from some really big losses.

The whole aim here is to turn you into a self-sustaining and independent day trader that can survive on your own. All of the trading lessons which our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provides are designed to provide you with real life experience that will turn you from a newbie into a confident day trader that can survive without any help at all.


Day Trading Lessons Teach You How To Use Brokers & Trading Platforms

Something which many newbies and beginners do not realize is that placing trades is not as easy as just copying signals. You have to be using a trading platform in combination with a broker. If you don’t know what you are doing, navigating a broker or trader platform can be very difficult, nearly impossible depending on which ones they are.

It can take days or even weeks to get the hang of, and that is time that is being wasted, time you could be using to make money. When you take trading lessons, such as from Income Mentor Box, you will quickly and efficiently learn how to navigate brokers and platforms alike, and it won’t take very long either. It will take our mentor, Andrew, about 30 minutes to get you comfortable with brokers and all kinds of platforms. When it comes to trading lessons, this might not be the most important one of all, but it is certainly a valuable skill to have in your arsenal.


They Are Much Cheaper Than Losing Trades

One thing that you also need to keep in mind about taking good trading lessons is that they end up saving you money in the long run. For instance, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is going to cost you a flat $299. There are no hidden costs, upgrade fees, or anything else of the sort. This is absolutely a onetime payment. For one, this is actually much cheaper than any other trading lessons out there. Second, for the price, you actually get a whole lot of value with Income Mentor Box, with over 50 separate trading lessons, a free EBook, and much more.

The fact of the matter is that you could easily lose $299 in a single trade. What we are saying is that spending $299 on trading lessons is going to help you save money. By gaining the knowledge, experience, and tools you need to become a successful trader, you will win way more stock or Forex trades than you ever would. The bottom line is that you do have to spend money to make money, and spending $299 a single time on some trading lessons is much less costly than losing trade after trade, time and time again.

Income Mentor Box Trading Lessons


Trading Lessons Will Teach You Various Strategies & Tips

One of the biggest mistakes which people make when they have never taken trading lessons is to trade blindly. You might not realize it, but day trading involves various indicators, oscillators, strategies, rules, and other tips which you need to be familiar with. There are literally hundreds of different trading strategies out there. Some might be good for one person, while some might be better for others.

However, if you have never taken trading lessons, you will never know about any of the most important strategies and tips. Simply put, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will learn the ins and outs of trading, both the basics and the more complex aspects too, and this includes strategies, tips, and winning secrets. The bottom line is that you need to learn how to trade, and you need to learn everything about trading, before you can expect to become a profitable day trader. The only way to really do this is by taking day trading lessons, such as with Income Mentor Box for instance.


Day Trading Lessons Will Teach You About Risk Management

Yet another things which newbie day traders are really not good at is managing risk and money. Yes, if you are going to be a pro day trader, you need to know all about risk. The fact here is that the market always involves risk. It does not matter if you are trading stocks, commodities, Forex, indices, or anything in between. There is always risk involved in the market, risk of losing trades and losing capital.

A smart trader knows how to gauge the level of risk involved with each trade, and knows how much cash is worth risking per position. If you don’t know how to engage in effective risk management and money management, not only will you lose trades, but you will run out of trading capital sooner rather than later. Taking trading lessons from an esteemed academy such as Income Mentor Box will teach you how to manage risk and investment capital.


You Get To Talk To People In The Same Boat As You

Yet another benefit that you get from taking trading lessons such as ours, is that you get to talk to other people who have limited experience with trading. You might think it useless to talk to other people who don’t really know much about day trading, but it is actually very useful. There is always a learning curve involved with this kind of thing, and being able to hash through problems with people in the same boat as you can be extremely beneficial.

Being able to communicate with other traders, and people who are taking the same trading lessons as you, can provide you with valuable insights. It’s not only your own experience that counts. If you did not know, here at the Income Mentor Box Academy, we provide a free members chat room exactly for this very purpose.


Some Courses Provide Free Trading Signals

Ok, so this is not the case with all trading lessons or day trading schools out there, but it definitely is when it comes to our own Income Mentor Box Academy. Sure, learning how to trade, getting experience, and having a great mentor are all big benefits no doubt. However, sometimes you just don’t have time to learn, or at least not as fast as you would like. Moreover, sometimes concepts take time to grasp, or you might just not have time to be a full blown professional day trading.

However, when you pay a low fee for our trading lessons from Income Mentor Box, you will also get free and unlimited access to our signals service. Yes, that is right, we provide trading signals, usually Forex, about 12 per day. You can take these signals as they come, copy them directly into your broker or platform of choice, and watch as the money rolls in. There is no other work needed and the positions come complete with everything you need to place the trades. It’s a pretty easy way to make money and a great bonus along with our comprehensive trading lessons.


The Value Of Day Trading Lessons – Final Thoughts

Day trading lessons are a truly invaluable commodity, one that as an aspiring day trader, you definitely need to take part in. Sure, you have to spend a few bucks, but the knowledge, skills, and confidence you will gain from trading lessons just cannot be beat. Spending a few bucks now to learn how to trade with Income Mentor Box will save you countless thousands of dollar in losses in the long run.


Income Mentor Box Trading Lessons

Tools To Day Trade Successfully

Tools To Day Trade Successfully

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Are you tired of losing trade after trade? It might be because you don’t have the tools to day trade successfully. Here at Income Mentor Box, we’re all about teaching you to be the best traders you can be and this involves letting you know about the necessary tools to day trade successfully! So what are the most important tools you will need to become a profitable trader?

Income Mentor Box Tools To Day Trade

Substantial Investment Capital

Ok, when it comes to one of the most important tools to day trade, something you obviously need to have is ample cash. Simply put, if you are living hand to mouth and are waiting on your next paycheque to pay your electricity bill, day trading might not be the best choice. You always want to gauge what your current financial situation is.

Simply put, you should never trade with any money that you are not 100% prepared to lose in full. Yes, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our goal is to teach you how to be the best day trader you can be. However, we simply cannot guarantee that you will always win all of your trades. The risk of loss is inherent whether you are trading stocks, Forex, or anything else, and it is something you have to be prepared for.

When it comes to something like the stock market, did you know that the SEC dictates that if you make more than 4 trades per day on the NYSE or NASDAQ, that you always need to have at least $25,000 in your account? Yeah, the bottom line is that to start trading, you need to have some money set aside. It might not be a tool to day trade per say, but it is still needed none the less. Although we do really hate clichés, it is very true that to make money you have to spend money.

Decent Infrastructure

Another tool to day trade successfully you will need is decent infrastructure. Now, yes, there are some automated trading platforms out there which work on all computers and mobile devices. And yes, there are ways to win at day trading with just an autotrader and a single screen, as well as a shoddy internet connection. However, something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can tell you is that good infrastructure can make a really big difference.

For instance, if you want to have several trades open at once, say maybe a couple Forex and stock trades, you need to be able to keep track of them all at once. For this reason, most professional day traders will have multiple monitors or screens so they can have many windows open at once. It’s all about having the right number of screens, a lightning fast internet connection, various pieces of software, and more.

When it comes to tools to day trade successfully, the level and quality of your setup can make a huge difference. It might not be necessary as a newbie trader, but as you advance in the trading world and want to do more at once, you will definitely need to upgrade your setup. A fast internet connection and 2 monitors at the very least are tools to day trade that you should invest in, at least if you are serious about it. Once again, the cliché still holds true here, to make money, you have to be willing to spend money first, which in this case means a legit trading setup with all of the bells and whistles.

Knowledge & Mentorship

Another one of the tools to day trade successful you will need is mentorship. There is no getting around the fact that no matter how much investment capital you have, and no matter how good your trading setup is, if you don’t know how to day trade right, you will lose everything. Folks, nobody just throws money into a trading platform and makes money right off the get go.

Sure being able to do this would be really nice, but life just does not work that way. This is something we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. This is why we are here, to teach you the ins and outs of day trading. We’re here to teach you absolutely everything there is to know about trading Forex, stocks, and more.

It takes time, mentorship, and a whole lot of knowledge to day trade right. Yes, our course does cost money to take, but only $299, which is relatively inexpensive considering how much money you stand to gain once you have all of the necessary knowledge under your belt. Not to sound like a broken record, but yes, to make money you have to spend money, and that’s the bottom line!

Experience & Discipline

Moreover, there is no denying the fact that you won’t be all that successful placing your first trades. Day trading is not something for the weak of will or for people who throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble. It takes a lot of discipline to become a day trader, discipline that you can learn right here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Once you have become more disciplined, you follow the right rules and strategies, all of which we teach here, you will gain the necessary experience to become a professional day trader. In terms of tools to day trade successfully, you need to be patient, disciplined, and yes, building experience helps a whole lot as well!

Ample Time

Folks, if are not willing to put in the time needed to learn how to day trade, and to trade, this might not be right for you. One of the biggest tools to day trade successfully is time. You have to be willing to invest not only money, but also time into trading. It takes time to learn and to gain experience.

If you can dedicate 1 or 2 hours per day, a few days per week, you are already off to a good start. You won’t become a professional day trader overnight, but if you are willing to put in the time, you can indeed become very profitable. If you have some time to spare and finally want to start making cash trading, becoming a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is a very good start.


Tools To Day Trade Profitably – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, the 5 tools to day trade successfully that you absolutely need. If you are tired of losing trades and want to stack up some wins, you have come to the right place because we will teach you everything you need to know and a whole lot more!

Income Mentor Box Economic Calendar

Your Portfolio & Stock Diversification

Your Portfolio & Stock Diversification

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about teaching you how to day trade and invest like a professional. A part of investing and trading is of course in relation to the stock market. Yes, there are tons of stocks out there that you can invest in, but how to invest, how many stocks to invest in, and what kind of stocks to invest in are all things you need to know. If there is one thing that our Income Mentor Box Academy knows all too well, it is that stock diversification is very important.

Now, you have probably heard the term “stock diversification” before, but do you know what it really means? The practice of investing in a diverse array of stocks is an oldie, but it also proven and time tested. This is something that can go a long way in maximizing your stock market profits, and does a great job at mitigating the risk of loss as well. Today we want to teach you all about stock diversification, or having a diverse stock portfolio, so you can get great returns.

Income Mentor Box - Stock Diversification


What Is Stock Diversification?

Stock diversification is the act of investing in multiple different stocks, stock types, and across different classes. This is a technique that reduces your risk of big time losses in the stock market by allocating your investments across multiple industries, categories, classes, and asset types. It’s all about having a diverse stock portfolio that features investments in a variety of assets and categories.

For example, instead of just investing in 1 or 2 big oil stocks, it means investing in oil, gold, tech companies, various commodities, and everything in between. It’s all about having multiple assets. The aim of stock diversification is also to maximize your returns by investing in various areas that can react differently to the same events. Now, you do need to know that stock diversification does not totally do away with the risk of losing investment capital. However, it can go a long way in mitigating risk, minimizing losses, and maximizing profits.

stock diversification
Image Courtesy of: https://dollarsandsense.sg/the-fine-line-between-diversification-and-over-diversification/


The Benefits Of Stock Diversification

There are quite a few benefits associated with stock diversification and having a diverse stock portfolio, so let’s go over these right now.

  • The biggest benefit of having a diverse stock portfolio is that it helps to mitigate risk. By ensuring that you have multiple asset types in your portfolio, in case one goes down the tubes, you have the others to fall back on.
  • Stock diversification is not only about accumulating large returns, but also about preserving capital. In other words, having a diversified portfolio can help preserve your life savings and ensure that you have money to live comfortable well into your old age.


The Risks Of Only Having Few or The Same Stock Types

There is one big risk associated with having only a couple of stocks, and all in the same class or field. This is that if one stock plummets, if you only have the same type or stocks, ones that are in the same field, they will all plummet. If you put all of your marbles in the same basket, yes, you might win big, but chances are big that you will lose even worse.

For example, if you have all of your money invested in oil company stocks, if the price of oil takes a hit, all of your stocks are going to plummet in value. However, if you have oil, gold, solar energy, hydro energy, and other types of investments, if oil plummets, at least you have other stocks to fall back on and make up for that difference.


Stock Diversification
Image courtesy of: http://www.altavra.com/managed-futures-benefits/potential-enhanced-portfolio-returns.htm


How Many Stocks Should I have For Optimal Stock Diversification?

Now that you know what stock diversification is, and why it is a good thing, you might be wondering what actually qualifies as a diverse stock portfolio. Most professional investors, including us here at the Income Mentor Box, would recommend having between 15 and 20 different stocks in your portfolio. Moreover, you want to ensure that they are not all the same type of class of stock as well. Let’s now talk about how you can create a diverse stock portfolio that will help mitigate risk and maximize your revenue stream.


How To Create A Diversified Stock Portfolio

In order to engage in the best version of stock diversification possible, there are some main points and big tips that you will need to follow, so let’s go over these right now.

  • You want to try and split your investments up between growth assets and defensive asset types. In other words, having some high, medium, and low risk investments is what you want to do. So, on one hand, investing in things like popular shares and property tend to provide good long term profits, but can be quite risky. And on the other hand, having defensive assets like cash or fixed interest are much lower risk, but also provide smaller returns. You want to have both.
  • Also, remember that you want to invest in different asset classes. Shares, bonds, futures, and more, are all a good way to go. Just be sure that if you are investing in shares, that you spread it out across various market sectors. Moreover, you could invest in natural resources, technology, aviation, and other diverse market sectors. If one takes a hit, chances are that you have the others to fall back on.
Stock Diversification
Image Courtesy of: https://www.simplysafedividends.com/intelligent-income/posts/2-how-to-build-a-dividend-portfolio


Investing In Diverse Stocks – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that this practice of stock diversification can go a long way in mitigating the risk of lost capital. At the same time, it helps improve your chances of getting big, or at least moderate returns, across a variety of stock classes and types. The fact of the matter is that having a diverse stock portfolio is a big time goal of any and every investor.

It might be an old practice, but it is also time tested and proven. For more information on stock market investments, you might want to consider becoming a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. We provide some awesome stock market investing and trading lessons which will turn you into a professional and profitable investor.

Income Mentor Box Economic Calendar

Profiting With The Economic Calendar

Profiting With The Economic Calendar

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Something we always stress when trading, whether Forex, CFD, or stocks, is that you always need to check the economic calendar. For those of you who don’t know, the economic calendar is one of the most crucial and useful resources in your day trading tool kit. Today we are going to talk about how you can profit through trading with the economic calendar. There is more to it than you might think, something that you will learn here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Income Mentor Box - Economic Calendar

What Is The Economic Calendar?

The economic calendar is a schedule of sorts, one which informs stock and currency traders of important developments in the market. Technically speaking, the economic calendar shows scheduled press events, news releases, and data releases which may affect the market. There are very many of these data releases that happen every single day, usually multiple ones per day. Each of these events is graded, usually on a scale of 1 to 3.

Each event has a grade in terms of how big its effect is expected to be for the market, especially in terms of the values of stocks and currencies. This is a very important thing to keep your eye on. Each day, before you start trading, you need to check the economic calendar for these data releases, as they all have significant influences on how you will trade that day.


The Economic Calendar – Risk, Volatility, & 3 Bull News

As we mentioned before, all of these press, event, and data releases are graded using numerical or color codes. This can be green, yellow, and red, 1, 2, or 3, or as investing.com displays it, their news releases are graded as 1, 2, or 3 Bull news. You might have heard us here at Income Mentor Box talking about 3 bull news before. Well, green and yellow, or 1 and 2, are OK. You can still trade with these news releases, but 3 Bull News is what you really want to look out for.

When there are 3 Bull News releases scheduled, it means that they will affect the market in a really big way. These news releases, which you can find on the economic calendar, can cause major swings in currency and stock market values. Therefore, you need to keep a close eye on this. We would recommend using the economic calendar on investing.com.

Investing.com - Economic Calendar
Image Courtesy of Investing.com

Make sure to set it to your own time zone, as looking at the wrong time zone can be disastrous. You need to look out for 3 Bull News. Generally speaking, most traders will close all Forex and stock positions about 5 minutes before 3 Bull News is set to be released. When these releases happen, you don’t know how the market will react, what degree of risk it creates, and in which value direction assets will go.

Therefore, it is recommended that day traders do not open any trading positions, Forex, stock, or otherwise, until a few minutes have passed since the last release of 3 Bull News. This will help you avoid very risky trading situations and high levels of volatility. 3 Bull News releases are highly unpredictable, and you should stave off of trading until they have passed.


Your Checklist – How To Use The Economic Calendar

When you are looking at your economic calendar, there are a few important things you need to look for. If you use the economic calendar to keep an eye on these various factors, your chances of making profits through Forex and stock trading greatly increase. Just in case you want to trade stocks, check out these big time cannabis stocks that have huge profit potential right now.

  1. What time is the economic news being released? Remember, close your trading positions at least 5 minutes before an important news release (3 Bull News), and wait for a few minutes to open a position after the news has passed.
  1. What is the standard interpretation of the economic news? Is the value of a certain asset set to go up or down? While this is a good way to gauge what kind of trading positions you should open, you should still wait until well after the 3 Bull News has been released.
  1. How important is the economic news release coming out? On the scale of 1 to 3, where is it ranked? The higher it is ranked in importance, with 3 Bull News being the most important, the greater its overall effect will be on the market.

Which Indicators Influence The Economic Calendar?

What you should also know is what kind of indicators are used and which ones are utilized to determine the news releases and their degree of importance. The following are all factors taken into account when it comes to the economic calendar.

  • GDP reports
  • Housing starts
  • Industrial production
  • Producer price index
  • PMI
  • Consumer confidence index
  • Consumer credit report
  • CPI inflation rate
  • Durable goods
  • Employment reports
  • Existing home sales
  • Factory orders
  • Jobless claims
  • Trade balance
  • Retail data


Our Live Economic Calendar Trading Session

If you have already watched the video which we have included here, courtesy of our own Andrew from Income Mentor Box, you know that trading using nothing else other than the economic calendar can indeed be very profitable. As Andrew notes in the live trading sessions, if you use the economic calendar right, you can use it to place trades without any other strategies being used.

As you can see from the live trading video, Andrew from Income Mentor Box used it to place a total of 4 Forex trades, all 4 of which turned out to be winners, generating around 1,300 Euros in profits. Guys, Andrew used nothing else but the Economic Calendar to win 4 trades and 1,300 Euros in just about 1 hour of trading. If you follow our tips and use this resource to its fullest, there is no reason why you cannot do the same.

Trading With The Economic Calendar – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that you never want to trade without first consulting the economic calendar. It is a resource that you should never ever forget to use. Remember folks, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is all about turning you into a day trading professional. For one very low fee, you get access to a multitude of course materials. This includes over 50 day trading lessons hosted by none other than Andrew himself, a free EBook, a group chat, and more. We even have a free Income Mentor Box signals service which you can use to copy trading signals to make quick and easy profits!

Income Mentor Box Economic Calendar


Income Mentor Box – #1 Trading School!

Income Mentor Box – #1 Trading School!

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

If you want to learn to day trade like a pro, in just a few weeks, and for a very limited cost, Income Mentor Box is the right place to be. Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is dedicated to turning you into a profitable and self-sustaining day trader. It’s all about putting money in your pockets!

Income Mentor Box - Trading Mistakes

Income Mentor Box – What’s Our Mission?

Ok, so what’s our mission? Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our mission is to help you become the best trader you can be. If you want to get into day trading, you have come to the right place. The fact of the matter is that day trading, whether Forex, or otherwise, is not as easy as some make it out to be. Yes, there are little tips and tricks to help make life much easier, and to make trading more profitable.

However, there is nothing out there that can beat good old training and schooling. Here, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy has the goal of turning your from a newbie into a professional day trader in just a couple of months. The ultimate goal is for you to hone your skills to the point where you can quit your 9 to 5 day job and start trading with real results. Whether you want to trade stocks, Forex, indices, or commodities, we can help you accomplish your goals. It’s all about making healthy and consistent profits on a daily basis so you can stop flipping burgers or frying fish for a living.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – Over 51 Trading Tutorials

When it comes down to it, there is really no better place to learn than with Income Mentor Box. The main bulk of our educational day trading content comes in the form of trading tutorials. We have over 51 separate full length day trading lessons and tutorials. All of these are videos that come in varying lengths.

The aim here is to start off easy and to teach you the basics of day trading. After you have learned the basics, we move on to some of the harder and more complex materials. Income Mentor Box covers things like how to trade, trading strategies, indicators, the stock market, risk management, Forex trading, and so much more. Combined, we have well over 51 day trading tutorials that will turn you into a professional trader.

Depending on how fast you move through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy lessons, it should take between 2 and 8 weeks for you to complete the course. Think about it folks, within 2 months at the most, you can learn everything you need to know to be a profitable, consistent, and professional day trader. All of our tutorials are hosted by none other than Andrew.

Andrew is a long time day trader with many years and even more dollars of successful trading under his belt. He doesn’t claim to be a guru or some kind of day trading god, but he definitely knows what he is doing. A big advantage of Income Mentor Box is that Andrew has the ability to explain things in a way that makes sense, even to people who have never heard of Forex or stock trading before.


Income Mentor Box – Use Our Free Signals Service!

Without a doubt, one of the best services which we offer here at Income Mentor Box, is our free signals provision service. Yes, finding stock and Forex signals can be really hard, especially if you want reliable ones that will generate profits. When you become a member of our prestigious academy, our Income Mentor Box signals service is totally free to use for life. Here we have a Facebook page where we post all of our signals.

Income Mentor Box provides up to 12 trading signals daily, all 5 days of the week. These trading signals can come in the form of stock signals, commodities signals, indices, and more. However, the vast majority of the Income Mentor Box signals provided focus on Forex trading.

Making money really does not get much easier than this. All you have to do is keep the Facebook signals page open and wait for us to post them. Then, once we post the trading signals, you simply have to copy them into your trading platform or broker of choice. We provide the entry prices, the take profit levels, and the stop loss levels too. All you have to do is copy the signals, place the trades, and wait as they generate profits for you!

Income Mentor Box – A Low Onetime Fee!

Something that we have been getting some questions about is how much we charge to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Well, we charge a grand total of $299, which is really not very much. Keep in mind that this is a onetime payment, with no upgrades and no hidden fees. We are certainly not like those pay to win games out there. Once you pay the onetime fee of $299, you will never have to pay another penny.

For that low onetime fee, you gain full and unlimited access to all of our course materials and other services. This includes the Income Mentor Box video tutorials, the free EBook, the members chat, and our Income Mentor Box signals service as well. The fact of the matter is that you really won’t find any other trading school out there with such great materials, so much educational content, all for such a low price.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that we would love to have you onboard at our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. For a low onetime fee, you will gain full access to all of our top quality course materials. You will learn everything there is to know about day trading through our plethora of educational materials. Even if all else fails and you still cannot fully grasp the concepts, you can still use our free signals service to place profitable trades with ease!


Income Mentor Box Trading Mistakes

A Losing Day & Trading Mistakes

A Losing Day & Trading Mistakes

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about teaching you to be the best day traders you can be. Our main goal here is to teach you all of the skills you need, and provide you with the required info, so you can day trade like a pro. The end goal here is to ensure that you are a profitable and sustainable day trader so you can quit your 9 to 5 job. Now, there are many trading mistakes which both newbies and pros make.

There is no getting around the fact that trading mistakes happen to everybody, some more than others, and we are no exception. Yes, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, even we can make trading mistakes on occasion. However, the big difference between us or our mentor, Andrew, and trading newbies, is that we have the ability and wherewithal to recognize, identify, and correct trading mistakes so we do not repeat them.

Income Mentor Box - Trading Mistakes

Sure, making trading mistakes will cost everybody money, and yes, we here are not immune to them. Yet, being able to recognize when mistakes were made, and which trading mistakes we made, is more than half the battle. This is a topic we will teach in an in depth manner if you choose to be part of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

No, having a losing trading session is not exactly flattering per say, but it does provide us with the opportunity to teach you about identifying major trading mistakes. Now, we also feel like we have showed you more than enough winning live trading sessions, that this one losing session should not be a deal breaker.

After all, when it comes to live trading sessions, we have shown you literally dozens of live winning sessions. We here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are not going to hide the fact that we have just made some of our own trading mistakes, and therefore suffered some losses. We are not fearful to talk about our own losses and trading mistakes, because we learn from them, and now so can you. It’s all about being honest, forthright, and reliable traders, and more than that, being trustworthy mentors to you, our loyal day trading students.


A Losing Day – Our Recent Trading Mistakes

So, let’s get right into it and talk about the video which we have embedded here, the one where we lost a bunch of money through bad trades. As you can see in the video, our mentor, Andrew, lost over 700 Euros, and it only took 2 trades for this to happen. Let’s go over the major mistakes Andrew made here so you can learn from them and become a pro day trader on your own! Yeah, it’s not exactly flattering that we manages to lose nearly 800 Euros in just 1 hour, but this does provide us with an invaluable opportunity to teach you about some big time trading mistakes.


Trading Mistakes – #1 – LOOKING AT THE WRONG CHARTS!

This is one of the mistakes which Andrew made today. One of the reasons why we lost such a big trade is because we did not place the trade right. It was a totally incorrect trade. The trading mistake Andrew made here was that he was trading on the go, he was busy, he wasn’t paying close attention, and he ended up using the wrong charts to place his trade. As Andrew discusses in the video, he should have been using a 5 minute chart to gauge his trading position, but in fact, used a 30 minute chart by mistake. Before you enter a Forex or any other kind of trade, you need to look at 5 minute and 1 minute charts.

Of course, we here at the Income Mentor Box, and Andrew, know that this is wrong. The fault lies more with being busy and not paying close attention to the specific chart he was looking at. Trading mistakes are not necessarily technical, and as you can see here, a lot of it has to do with concentration and focus. So, not only do you need to make sure that you are using the right charts when placing trades, but you have to pay close attention too. Placing Forex or any other kinds of trades when you are distracted and not paying 100% attention are trading mistakes we all make, but shouldn’t of course.


Trading Mistakes – #2 – THE WRONG STOP LOSS LEVEL

Another one of the trading mistakes we made today does have to do with the charts, but also to do with support and resistance. The reason we lost so much capital through these two trades was because we set the wrong stop loss level. Andrew, once again due to being a bit preoccupied and distracted, only used a single resistance level to calculate his stop loss levels.

The result here therefore was a stop loss level that was set way too low, and therefore allowed the trading position to haemorrhage pips for way too long. It’s one of those trading mistakes that many people make. In reality, Andrew should have taken at least 3 resistance lines into consideration before setting his stop loss level. It would have prevented such a major cash bleed.

Once again, trading mistakes suck, but being able to identify them is half the battle. We do want to note that we here at Income Mentor Box are aware of these major trading mistakes and how to prevent them. What you may have gathered here today is that these trading mistakes were made due to being inattentive, being on the go, and simply not paying close enough attention.



Preventing Trading Mistakes

Ok guys, there you have it, our own trading mistakes and why they were made. Now that we have identified our mistakes, we can work to correct them and to ensure that they never happen again. Remember folks, if you want to become a professional day trader, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is undoubtedly the best way to do it. We offer a plethora of course content, we are honest in our results, and we know when trading mistakes were made!


Income Mentor Box Trading Mistakes

Live Trading Results & Real Profits!

Live Trading Results & Real Profits!

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

You know that here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about teaching you to be the best day trader you can be. Here, when you become a member of our trading school, you will gain access to a plethora of course materials that will turn you from a newbie into a pro. Yes, we provide you with well over full length and in depth tutorials which are very easy to follow. We have also got a free signals service for all members, an EBook, and so much more. However, something else we do here, courtesy of Andrew, our mentor, is live trading.

Yes, that is right, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our leader, Andrew does plenty of live trading sessions. Now, these live trading sessions can be found on the YouTube channel, and they in themselves are great ways for you guys to learn how to trade. Of course, these live trading sessions are not super in depth. If you want full length lessons, you do have to join our academy.

Income Mentor Box - Live Trading

However, what is important to note is that we do these live trading sessions to offer your proof, real and legit proof that our strategies and systems really do work. Today we are here to talk about some of the latest Income Mentor Box live trading sessions led by Andrew himself. We want to show you that Andrew is indeed a profitable trader, he knows what he is talking about, and he can indeed help you become a professional and profitable trader as well. Let’s go over some of our most recent live trading sessions, the profits Andrew managed to rake in, and how you can use these various strategies to do the same!

Income Mentor Box & Live Trading – Why We Do It

Ok, so we first want to explain why we here at the Income Mentor Box Academy do all of these live trading sessions. The reason is because there are so many self-proclaimed trading gurus out there, most of which are full of nothing more than hot air.

They claim to have all the secrets so you can win Forex and stock trades 100% of the time. However, when it comes to offering empirical proof, evidence that their methods and strategies work, there is usually none to be found.

These crooks think that they can rip you off by charging you money for their nonsensical ramblings. However, Andrew from our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy knows that you want to see proof of the profits. This is why we do live trading sessions with live trades being opened and closed on screen. There is no better way to show you that we are the real deal, other than to actually show you solid proof of live trading profits!

Income Mentor Box Live Trading

Income Mentor Box Live Trading – Latest Profit Sessions

Let’s quickly go over the latest Income Mentor Box live trading sessions hosted by none other than Andrew himself. Here you will see live trades being placed and closed, with real profits being accumulated. You can see everything for yourself, so there is no debate around legitimacy. Guys, if you trade just like Andrew does in these live trading videos, there is no reason why you cannot be a successful day trader too!

The Fencing Strategy

This particular live trading and tips session is all about Forex and CFD day trading. As Andrew notes, this is kind of a crazy or wacky strategy, but as you can see in the video, it does get the job done. Following this Forex fencing strategy, Andrew was able to make well over 400 Euros in profits in just a few minutes. It is a bit complicated, but it is something that you can easily learn with his guidance.

Winning Strategies

This is another relatively new live trading video which Andrew did. This one is all about winning secrets so you can stop losing Forex, CFD, and options trades. There are many mistakes which newbie traders make, and many secrets which even the pros do not know about. As you can see from this video, Andrew uses these winning secrets to make over 500 Euros in profits in about 1 hour. These are winning Forex strategies that you can put to good use.


The Profit Day

Now, this video, courtesy of Andrew, is a bit more general in nature. Here he just covers some basic tips and strategies to help you win trades. This one is all about showing you that the Income Mentor Box lessons can indeed be very profitable. This live trading session lasted only a couple of hours and produced over 1,200 Euros in profits.



Scalp Trading

This other live trading session video we want to mention is all about the scalping strategy, otherwise known as scalp trading. It’s a great way to make lots of small short term profits. As you can see in the included video, Andrew made close to 5,000 Euros in profits through this way of trading!


Income Mentor Box & Live Trading – Final Thoughts

Folks, as you can see, there is really no debating the fact that Andrew’s trading tips, methods, and strategies really do work. As you can see from the 4 latest live trading and profit sessions, the proof is indeed in the profits. Now, it might take some time for you to get on the same level as this, but if you join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, become a pro trader is definitely doable.

With the multitude of course materials that we offer, guidance from Andrew himself, and daily updates, you really cannot go wrong. Of course, one of the main benefits you will get from being a member of the academy is a free signals provision service. We have got a great Facebook group where we post up to 12 Forex, stock, and indices trading signals per day. All you have to do is copy them into your broker or trading platform of choice, and watch as the profits roll in. It really does not get any easier than that!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – STOP LOSING!

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – STOP LOSING!

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about providing you with the means and knowledge to be a profitable trader. Here we do everything in our power to teach you how to trade Forex, indices, CFD, stocks, and more, so you can make money from home. We want you to be able to quit your day job. In terms of Forex trading, we do focus on this a lot, as it is a very popular type of trading.

Income Mentor Box - Forex Trading Winning Secrets

With that being said, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know that Forex trading is not as easy as some make it out to be. Yes, you might be losing a lot of your currency trades, which of course does you no favors at all. That is why we are here today, to cover some Forex trading winning secrets.

These are strategies, methods, and tips that you should follow when Forex trading so you stop losing trades. Keep in mind that today’s Forex trading winning secrets review is based on the video which our mentor, Andrew, has just uploaded. The video itself is quite in depth, and we just want to go over some of the biggest points made. We also have a great live trading session to show you, with real, big, and live profits, which Andrew was able to achieve using these Forex trading winning secrets.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – Support & Resistance!

One Forex trading secret which Andrew discusses here has to do with support and resistance trading. Yes, Andrew and we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are big fans of support and resistance trading. It is absolutely a great way to win trades. To find out how to trade using the support and resistance strategy, take a look at the video we have included here, and read this article on S&R as well.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – 1 Minute Charts & Entry Prices

Another thing which Andrew discusses here in the main video of the day, the Forex trading winning secrets video, is using 1 minute charts to look at and determine what the best entry prices are when trading currency pairs. Andrew does a great job at explaining it in the video. Moreover, if you are a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will gain access to full lessons related to entry prices and charting analysis.

Forex Trading 1 Minute Charts


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – RECOMMENDED TRADING HOURS!

Something which Andrew actually does not mention here, but is a winning secret none the less, is that you should always do Forex trading during the recommended trade hours. This means trading between 9 AM and 7 PM, if you live in the GMT time zone. If you don’t reside in the GMT time zone, you will want to make appropriate adjustments to match your time zone with GMT. This is when the market is the most active and it’s when you stand the biggest chance of winning those Forex trades.

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – The Economic Calendar

Folks, before you start trading for the day, always check the economic calendar. You never want to start trading without doing so. Here you are looking for 3 Bull News. Simply put, when there is 3 Bull News on the horizon, stop trading until it has passed. 3 Bull News can create a whole lot of trouble for currency traders.

Forex Trading 3 Bull News



On a little side note, we do want to mention that at this time, you should stick to Forex, indices, CFD, and stock trading. Many people feel the need to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, with the state of the market as it is right now, Bitcoin and crypto is just not worth the effort. Maybe if Bitcoin and the altcoins bounce back a bit, this will chance, but for now, Forex is what you want to trade.


Forex Trading Live Session – Andy’s Results

Perhaps the most important thing that we want to show you today is that Andrew’s Forex trading winning secrets do in fact work. This is not just jargon or pointless information. As you can see from the live trading video which we included here, Andrew used these secrets to make himself a healthy profit.

Andrew placed only 1 trade using these secrets, a GBP/USD trade, and through this trade, he managed to generate over 500 Euros in profits. Folks, it only took him 47 minutes to make 518 Euros in profits. If you follow these Forex trading secrets and tips, you can easily do the same for yourself. Once you know what you are doing, you will be nearly unstoppable. Of course, to really become a pro day trader, we would recommend joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – COPY OUR FX SIGNALS!

Ok, so all of these winning secrets we have discussed here really are worth their weight in gold. If you follow the tips laid out above, you should have no problems winning the majority of your Forex trades.

However, if you do not have time to learn right now, or you just don’t have the patience, you can always use our free signals provision service. Now, you do have to be a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy in order to get access to our free signals service, but we think that you will love it.

When you join our academy, you will get access to our Facebook page where we provide up to 12 trading signals per day, usually Forex, but we include some stocks, securities, and indices signals as well. Making money here through Forex trading is super easy. All you have to do is copy our signals as they appear, right into your trading platform, and watch as the positions put money in your account.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, some of the biggest Forex trading winning secrets from today’s video, and in general. If you follow the tips, secrets, and tips which we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provide on a regular basis, you should have no issues winning those FX trades. Of course, if you really want to become a full time, professional, and winning trader, you need to join the academy. You will gain access to a plethora of easy to understand day trading lessons and tutorials, all for a really low price.

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Scalping Strategy – PROFITABLE TRADING!

Scalping Strategy – PROFITABLE TRADING!

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we want to turn you into the most profitable trader you can be. This is why we are here today, to teach you about the scalping strategy for Forex and other asset types. This is also known as scalp trading, but whatever you choose to call it, it can be a super profitable way to trade and to make consistent profits.

Income Mentor Box - Scalping Strategy

What Is The Scalping Strategy?

When it comes to trading currencies, such as Forex trading, one strategy that you should know all about is the scalping strategy. This is otherwise known as scalp trading. Here, instead of placing a few decent sized or large trades, the scalping strategy is all about placing lots of little trades with small investment amounts.

This is one of the harder trading strategies to master, as it does require a whole lot of focus and discipline. This is because scalp trading involves placing up to 100 trades per day, and you need to be able to place the right trades, and to be able to keep an eye on them all as well. The amount of focus required for scalp trading is quite high indeed.

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we do want to teach you this scalp trading strategy, as it does have the potential to provide you with big time solid profits on a daily basis. However, if this is not something you are familiar with, you might want to become a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. You will need to learn a few other things before you can attempt to do this, and our academy is the perfect place to learn.


Scalping Strategy Benefits

Like we said, scalp trading does have a number of benefits for the Forex or currency trader. In all reality, it can in fact lead to some big time profits, as long as you know what you are doing. One of the biggest benefits associated with this scalping trading method is that it reduces the exposure to risk, specifically the risk of lost capital. Yes, there are lots of trades bring placed here, but each trade is very small, so the amount of risk, or the amount of money you could possibly lose per trade is never going to be very high.

Another benefit that comes with scalp trading is the fact that it provides you with many different daily trading opportunities. Instead of just placing a few larger trades, here you can place up to 100 trades per day, thus providing you with plenty of profitable opportunities. In other words, it allows you to make more trades and catch ones which you might have otherwise missed out on. Our own Andrew A, from Income Mentor Box, does a great job at explaining this scalping strategy in a way which makes it easy for newbies to understand.


How To Scalp Trade Properly

One thing which we want to get out of the way here is that we are not going to cover this scalping strategy too in depth. We want to give you a rough overview so you know what it is about and how to do it. However, for a full scalping strategy lesson, you will want to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Remember guys, scalp trading is by far not the only thing we teach, as our aim is to make a winning trader out of you.

At any rate, this scalping strategy involves placing many trades, or in other words, a high volume of trades, but keeping the investment per trade quite low. Generally speaking, when it comes to scalp trading, your profit target should be between 0.1% and 1% of your original investment. No, a 1% ROI is not big at all, but if you place 100 trades per day, it all starts to add up really fast. Yes, you do need a lot of concentration, you need to pay attention to indicators, price charts, and you need to keep an eye out for news developments as well.

However, another thing that you need to know about this scalping strategy is that winning trades is crucial. If you only place 6 trades, you might be able to get away with a win ratio under 50%. As long as some of the bigger trades are profitable, you will be fine. Yet, when it comes to scalp trading, you need to be on top of your game, because winning as many trades as possible is crucial to making a profit here. Winning and losing trades when scalp trading tend to be fairly equal in size, so your ITM rate is what really counts here.

Scalping Strategy – Different Ways To Do It

The other thing which we want to cover today, is that there are multiple ways to engage in this scalping strategy, especially in relation to fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and indicators. There are a few different good ways to scalp trade, so let’s just talk about these real quick.

Scalping With An Oscillator 

One of the more common, yet also harder ways to engage in this scalping strategy is to use some kind of oscillator indicator in order to determine future price action.

Scalping Strategy – Stochastic 

Another way in which you can engage in scalp trading is by using the Stochastic oscillator. However, you will want to use another indicator when using the Stochastic, as it usually cannot stand alone. A good secondary tool to use when using Stochastics are Bollinger Bands.

Scalp Trading With Support & Resistance 

This is one of the easier and more straightforward ways to engage in scalping. When you are support and resistance scalping, you want a good trading range and a low level of volatility.


Scalping Strategy – Final Thoughts

If you want a really full and in depth lesson on this scalping strategy, we would recommend watching the full video which we have included here, courtesy of Andrew, our leader. Moreover, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is an even better way to learn about the scalping strategy. There’s also the fact that we provide well over 50 trading lessons, a free signals service, and a free trading EBook as well!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Biggest Trading Mistakes To Avoid

Biggest Trading Mistakes To Avoid

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: IncomeMentorBox.com

If you are sick and tired of losing trades, it might be because you are making big time trading mistakes that you need to avoid. Yes, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know that this is easier said than done. However, today we do want to cover some of the biggest trading mistakes to avoid, ones which newbies tend to make. We have a great tutorial video included here with tons of useful info to help you start winning those trades!

Income Mentor Box Biggest Trading Mistakes

Trading Mistakes – Investing Everything Into 1 Trade

One of the biggest trading mistakes which newbie day traders are prone to making is to invest all of their money into a single trade. Now, beginners have a tendancy to invest way too much cash into a single trade, or even into a few trades. Folks, this is not going to end well for you. Sure, you might get lucky and win a huge trade every now and again. However, generally speaking, this is one of those trading mistakes that absolutely needs to be avoided.

When you start off as a trader, especially when you do not really know what you are doing, you want to minimize risk as much as humanly possible. If you invest all of your cash into a single trade, or into a couple trades, you are risking everything and hoping that things will turn out well.

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, if you take our full course, risk management is something you will learn about a whole lot. The fact of the matter is that you want to diversify your investments. This is an old school but reliable trading practice. You want to invest a little bit into a number of trades. The rule of thumb here is that to avoid big losses, only invest 5% to 7% of your total trading capital into a single trade. This way, even if the trade is a loser, at least you won’t bottom out your account. Never put all of your marbles into the same basket!


More Trading Mistakes – Unrealistic Expectations

Another one of the big trading mistakes which beginners always make is that they have unrealistic expectations in terms of results. Newbies will expect to make hundreds of thousands in profits in just a couple days or a couple weeks. Sure, it is great if you like making money, but idealism is very different from realism.

Here, when it comes to this kind of thing, whether Forex, stocks, crypto, or commodities trading, you need to remain realistic. Trading mistakes of all sorts often involve people thinking that they can become filthy rich in a very short amount of time. Yes, this is possible if you are total pro trader and you manage to win all of your trades, but the possibility is slim to none.

Folks, something you will learn here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to keep your goals at a realistic level. Rome was not built overnight, and your bank account functions the say way. You won’t start trading today and be a wealthy aristocrat tomorrow. The world simply does not work this way. Yes, you can slowly work your way up the food chain, but you won’t ever start right at the top.

Serious Trading Mistakes – Beginner Trading ETFs

Yet another one of those big time trading mistakes which many newbies make is to trade ETFs. This stands for exchange traded fund. Now, yes, this kind of trading can be very profitable indeed. However, if you have not yet gone through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy course materials, you won’t stand much of a chance at winning any of these trades.

ETFs, whether they are bond ETFs or stock ETFs, are notoriously hard to win. The charts for ETFs are hard to read, it is hard to predict price movements, and volatility for ETFs is totally off the chart. You need to be a pro to trade ETFs, at least if you expect to make money doing so. As a newbie, you should absolutely stay away from ETFs because they are super risky to trade with. Avoiding trading mistakes as a beginner means staying away from certain types of trades, such as ETFs for example.


Trading Mistakes

More Trading Mistakes – Over-Trading

The next one of the serious trading mistakes that you need to know about is trading too much at once. Yes, this is somewhat related to our first point of investing too much cash per trade, but there is a difference. Newbie traders will make the mistake of thinking that more is better. Ok, so you shouldn’t invest more than 7% of your capital per trade, so this means you can just place 100 trades, right? WRONG!

This is one of those big time trading mistakes that can cost you a whole lot of money. Sure, as a pro, you might manage to have 10 or 15 trades open at once. However, if you don’t really have too much experience with day trading, this can very quickly lead to your downfall.

Simply put, having more than say 5 trades open at once is very hard and risky. The fact of the matter is that you have to keep track of all of your trades at once. What happens if several of them start going downhill, and doing so fast, but you just do not have the skills or speed to keep up? What will happen is more trading mistakes and massive cash losses. As a beginner, something we teach here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, is to never overtrade. It is simply not worth it.

Avoiding The Biggest Trading Mistakes – Final Thoughts

So, here we have covered some of the biggest trading mistakes that many newbies make. However, they are not all of the biggest trading mistakes. If you watch the video which we have included here, you will find out about even more big trading mistakes.

Even better, if you join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will learn about all of the trading mistakes which you need to avoid. Our academy only costs $299, and it is a onetime payment with no hidden fees. You will gain access to a plethora of trading lessons, a free EBook, and a free signals provisions service as well!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management