Calculating PIP – What & How

Calculating PIP – What & How


We here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy want to teach you to be the best day traders you can be. One fundamental and crucial piece of knowledge you need to be successful has to do with PIPS. You need to be familiar with the PIP, you need to know what this means, and you need to know how to calculate PIP too. Let’s take a closer look at this subject right now.

What Is A PIP?

Technically speaking, PIP stands for “percent in point” or alternatively, “price interest point”. This is a unit of measurement, or specifically a unit of change in an exchange rate or in a currency pair. In other words, a PIP signifies the difference between the price of an asset, or the difference in value in a pairing, from one point in time to another.

A PIP is most often used to measure gains or losses, and is calculated using the last decimal point in the currency pair listing. A PIP is usually measured in the equivalent of 1/100th of 1%, or in other words, 1 PIP is usually a change in the value of the numeral which sits in the fourth spot past a decimal point. This is how you measure exactly how much money was made or lost through currency pair, Forex, trading.



How To Calculate PIP

Of course, if you are going to be a professional and successful day trader, you need to know how to calculate a PIPS. This is very important if you want to be a true day trader that knows that you are doing. So, calculating PIP is actually very easy.

First, let’s take a currency pair such as EUR/USD. If The price of this pairing right now is 1.0001 (it usually will not be like this, but we are keeping it simple, hence the “1.0001”). At any rate, if the value of the EUR/USD pairing then changes to 1.0011, you would have a PIPS increase of 10 PIPS.

As we noted before, one single PIP is the fourth numeral after the decimal place, ie, 1.0001. Yes, this can be a bit complicated to understand at first, but once you have calculated PIPS difference a few times, it should become fairly easy for you.

For a lesson on calculating PIPS in full, please check out the video which we have embedded here. Andrew from our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy does a really great job at explaining it. However, if you want a truly comprehensive lesson on the subject, it is recommended that you join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. In this lesson, you will also learn how to calculate PIPS value, or in other words, how much the PIP value change actually reflects a change in the overall price of a trade.

Calculating PIP

Calculating PIP – Final Thoughts

Folks, we haven’t covered everything here, but we have outlined the basic in terms of what PIPS are and how to calculate it. For a more in depth lesson on this particular subject, please join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy! Keep in mind, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy also provide free Forex, CFD, stock, and indices signals for you to trade with. Just copy them into your trading platform of choice and you are good to go! We even do a monthly $500 giveaway with 3 lucky winners every single month! 

Income Mentor Box


Fast Short Term Profits With Indices

Fast Short Term Profits With Indices


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know that people want to make fast and easy short term profits. After all, there really is nothing better than making a pile of money in a limited amount of time. However, of course, this is a bit easier said than done, and as a newbie, you might not know how to achieve these short term profits.

Well, this is what we are here for today, to teach you how to make fast short term profits. Specifically, today we are here to help you make fast short term profits through indices trading. We are going to tell you about the best indices to trade with, as well as how to find the best indices for short term profits. Let’s learn, trade, and profit!


Income Mentor Box Short Term Profits

Favorite Securities & Indices For Short Term Profits

When it comes to making good short term profits, you do need to have the right securities, indices, and indices to trade with. Today, Andrew and the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy wants to teach you how to make great short term profits using indices. The first thing that you need to do is find the right and best indices to trade with. As an experienced day trader, Andrew knows some of the best securities and indices to choose for trading.

For example, as he notes in the video which we have included here, one of his favorite indices to trade with is DAX. As you can see in the video, Andrew just placed a DAX indices trade, and it turned out to be quite profitable. Generally speaking, DAX is a great option to trade with if you want to make quick short term profits. In terms of short term profits, Andrew made over 350 Euros in pure profits with this specific DAX trade. There are some other really good indices to trade with, ones that are usually quite volatile. These include indices such as S&P, Dow Jones, FTSE, and NASDAQ.

Please do keep in mind that here we have really only scratched the surface in terms of making great short term profits with indices. If you want a full lesson on this subject, please join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy for a more comprehensive lesson. It’s a low onetime payment of $299, and you will gain access to all course materials including over 50 video tutorials on day trading, including ones such as this short term profits indices lesson.



How To Find The Best Trades For Short Term Profits

When it comes to trading indices, of course, you have to be able to find the right securities to trade with. Then, the question becomes how do we find the best indices to trade with to achieve great short term profits? Well, as Andrew of Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy notes in this video, one of the best ways to find the right securities to trade with is by going to This website is completely free to use, which is nice.

To find indices for short momentum trades and short term profits, go to “markets” and go to the indices section. Keep in mind that offers all kinds of asset types to analyze. One of the reason why using indices is great for generating short term profits, is because many of them are highly volatile, and therefore offer great short term profits opportunities.

Anyway, when looking at the indices on, you can rate them from strong buy and strong sell. In other words, if the website lists DAX as strong sell, you know that it is a surefire way to make short term profits by selling DAX. This is exactly what Andrew did in order to make big profits the other day. Most brokers will all have DAX, so this should not be a problem for you.

Keep in mind that in order to find the best indices trades, Andrew will use support and resistance, usually in combination with 5 minute charts. Ideally, before you hit the buy or sell button, for short term profits, you should always look at the 1 minute chart as well.  It’s a great way to find the best trades to make. On a side note, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we have a great video tutorial on support and resistance trading. Once again, for full and comprehensive lessons on this matter, there is no better place to learn than through our Income Mentor Box Trading Academy.

Fast Short Term Profits DAX Trade


Income Mentor Box – Free Copy Signals & Giveaway!

There is also another great way in which you can make short term profits through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Here we offer a free signals provision service. If you join our academy, you will gain access to our Facebook page where we post around 12 trading signals per day. If you want to make short term profits, these are trades you want to place.

We provide indices, stocks, CFD, and Forex signals to trade with. Moreover, trading using our signals could really not be any easier. The signals we provide come complete with entry prices, take profit levels, and stop loss levels too. All you have to do to make short term profits is to copy and paste these signals into your own trading platform as they appear. It really does not get any easier than that.

Furthermore, when it comes to short term profits, it really does not get any easier than enrolling in our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy free giveaway. Every single month, we do a $500 giveaway where 5 lucky winners get $500. We do this every single month, and every month there are 3 lucky winners. Now, this might not qualify as short terms profits through trading, but it certainly is free money that you can put in the bank.

Income Mentor Box Short Term Profits – Final Thoughts

As you can see, making fast short term profits through indices trading really is not that hard, as long as you know what you are doing. If you want to become a professional day trader and trade indices like a pro, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is hands down the best place to perfect your skills.

Income Mentor Box

Stop Loss & Take Profit Explained!

Stop Loss & Take Profit Explained!


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we want to teach you how to become a professional day trader. It is all about learning to trade Forex, CFD, stocks, indices, and more. The main goal is to help you become a profitable day trader so you can quit your 9 to 5 day job. Today we are here to talk about stop loss & take profit. Here we have a little mini tutorial on stop loss & take profit just to get you started. If you want a more in depth tutorial on stop loss & take profit, we would recommend joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy for the full scoop.

Income Mentor Box - Stop Loss & Take Profit

Stop Loss

In terms of stop loss & take profit, the first half of this is stop loss. Being able to understand and set an appropriate stop loss level is very important. This is an important part of Forex and other kinds of trading because it allows you to cut your losses when a trade is going south, before the full investment is lost. For instance, if you invest $100 in a certain asset, you can set the stop loss order to $75. Therefore, if the value of your investment decreases past $75, the position will automatically close, thus saving $75 before further losses are incurred. Stop loss levels can usually be set in pips, percentage points, or at specific price levels too.


Take Profit

When it comes to stop loss & take profit, one half of this important trading factor is of course take profit. Take profit or target price refers to placing an order where you inform your broker to close a trading position when a certain ROI or profit level has been reached. For instance, if you make an investment of $100, you can set the take profit level at $125 or 25%. This means that the trade will automatically close when that specific target is met. It’s a good way to ensure that you secure profits before things turn south. You can usually set a take profit order in percent or at a specific price level.


Cut Your Losses & Don’t Get Greedy

The important thing to note about stop loss & take profit levels is that they allow you to cut your losses or make sure that you walk away with profits. In terms of stop loss, setting a stop loss level allows you to salvage part of an investment before even more money is loss. A take profit order is great because it ensures that you walk away with a certain level of profits before a trade potentially turns south. It’s all about ensuring profits and minimizing losses.


Stop Loss & Take Profit – Final Thoughts

As you can see, it is indeed very important to be familiar with stop loss & take profit. This is an essential part of Forex and other kinds of trading. It comes in handy for minimizing losses and ensuring that you walk away with some profits. This is something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Trading Academy really cannot stress enough.

Folks, if you want to learn how to become a professional and successful day trader, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the place to learn. For a low onetime payment of $299, you will get full access to all course materials. This includes far more in depth day trading tutorials than the one you saw here today, plus a whole lot more as well.

Income Mentor Box

Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis

Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our main goal is to help you become a successful day trader. The biggest part of our program is to provide you with various trading lessons and tutorials on a wide variety of topics. For the low cost of $299, you can join our academy and gain full access to all course materials, which includes of 51 video tutorials that cover all of the ins and outs of day trading. When it comes down to it, there is really no better place to learn this stuff, especially when it comes to topics such as fundamental analysis vs technical analysis.

Income Mentor Box Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis

One of the more recent trading tutorials led by Andrew himself, the leader of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, covers analysis. To be specific, this tutorial is all about fundamental analysis vs technical analysis. Now, the free video is already pretty comprehensive on this subject, but if you join our academy, you will get access to the full lesson. Let’s do a quick rundown of this technical analysis vs fundamental analysis topic so you know what awaits you.

Fundamental Analysis

When it comes down to it, as you will learn from Andrew, fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating assets by measuring the intrinsic value of them. When you engage in fundamental analysis, you look at factors such as earnings, liabilities, expenses, and assets. Moreover, you also look for the overall economy, the state of the industry, and the current financial condition of the stock, asset, or currency in question.

Technical Analysis

There is a big difference when it comes to fundamental analysis vs technical analysis. The main point here is that technical analysis functions by looking at graphs and price charts of a certain asset type or class to figure out certain patterns. The point of technical analysis is to try and recognize in which direction a price will go, and how far it will go, based on past patterns. Simple moving averages, support and resistance, trend lines and momentum-based indicators are all examples of technical analysis.

Mistakes People Make

There are some really big mistakes in regards to technical and fundamental analysis which even trading schools will teach. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know these mistakes.

For instance, one of the biggest mistakes newbies make is to think that fundamental analysis is far more important than technical analysis. However, this is simply not true, as both of these analysis methods can be really useful.

For a full rundown of the mistakes which people make in regards to fundamental analysis and technical analysis, please view the video embedded here. Even better, for a fully comprehensive lesson on the subject, join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy today.

Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis – Conclusion

If you want to learn everything there is to know in regards to this issue of technical analysis vs fundamental analysis, please join the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. It’s hands down the best way for you to become a knowledgeable and profitable day trader.

Income Mentor Box

Income Mentor Box IMPORTANT INFO!

Income Mentor Box IMPORTANT INFO!


He guys, we are here to provide you with some very important information regarding our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. People have been asking us some questions, and we are here to answer. There has been some confusion in regards to course materials, trading signals for members to copy, the price of the course, and more. Today we are here doing this Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy information session to clear up any confusion that might be out there.


Income Mentor Box – A Low Onetime Payment

Something that we have been getting a lot of questions about, as there seems to be some confusion, is the pricing of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Folks, the only cost you will ever have is a single onetime payment of $299. This is the only payment you will ever have to make. There are no upgrades requires and there are no hidden fees. This is not like one of those pay to win games on your smartphone.

Income Mentor Box

This is the real deal, and while we do need to charge a reasonable price, we aren’t in the business of charging your more fees down the road. We are here to help you become professional traders without having to compromise your financial security to do so. With a onetime payment of $299, you will gain full, unlimited, and lifetime access to all of our course materials. This includes Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy trading tutorials, an EBook, free signals to copy, and more.


Income Mentor Box – Free Signals To Copy

Something that you should definitely be able to appreciate about our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is that we provide free trading signals on a daily basis. When you join the academy, you will gain access to our exclusive Facebook page. On this Facebook page, Andrew and his colleagues post trading signals. These signals are posted daily, with up to 12 trading signals being posted each day.

The signals are closely scrutinized and only the best of the best are chosen. They are always brand new, but of course, you do want to stay on top of them, because you want to place your trades using these signals as fast as possible. Keep in mind that these trading signals can take the form of Forex, CFD, indices, commodities, and stock market signals too. Keep your eye on them, because this is a really easy way to make money.

All of the signals which Andrew posts come complete with entry prices, stop loss levels, and take profit levels. Therefore, the only thing left for Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy members to do, is to copy the trades into the trading platform or broker of choice. Even better is that Andrew uses these very same signals to place his own trades, so you can see them making money in real time. They are profitable signals, with the vast majority of them being winners on a consistent basis.


Income Mentor Box – Dozens of Trading Tutorials

Perhaps the best aspect of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the fact that you will learn literally everything there is to know about trading. This is all thanks to the dozens and dozens of day trading videos, lessons, and tutorials which Andrew does on a daily basis. Now, his YouTube channel is full of great trading videos and lessons.

However, of course, if you want the full lessons, really comprehensive and complete lessons, you do have to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy for full access. With that being said, Andrew has uploaded some really good day trading tutorials to his channel as of late, ones which will get you started and introduce you to the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Just some of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy he has made available include support and resistance training, price action tips, buy stop and buy limit lessons, take profit and stop loss tips, moving averages, Bollinger Bands, how to find good CFD and Forex trades, and much more. If you want to learn how to trade really well, we would definitely recommend taking a look at these videos.


Income Mentor Box – Monthly $500 Giveaway With 3 Winners

One thing which we want to reiterate here today is that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are doing a free giveaway. To be exact, Andrew is ponying up is own cash to give to 3 lucky winners each month. Every single month, there will be 3 lucky winners, each of which will win $500 courtesy of Andrew. It really does not get any better than being able to rake in some free cash.

All of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy giveaway winners are chosen at random. When you sign up for the giveaway, your email address will be entered into the list of contestants. An online randomizer is then used to pick the 3 winners for the month. This is the real deal, and there are always 3 winners. Just take a look at the video below to see who the 3 lucky winners were for this month.


Income Mentor Box Important Info – Final Thoughts

Folks, we would love to have you join the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. After all, for the low price of $299, you are not going to find a better, more comprehensive, or easier to understand day trading school than this. Moreover, you get access to a plethora of educational content that will turn you from a newbie into a serious trading professional.

With access to free trading signals that you simply have to copy, dozens of video lessons, a private chat room, and an EBook, you really cannot go wrong. The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the number one place to learn how to be a successful Forex, stock, commodities, CFD, and indices trader!

Income Mentor Box

Income Mentor Box – INSANE 5 DAY PROFITS!

Income Mentor Box – INSANE 5 DAY PROFITS!


If you want to become a professional day trader and make lots of money regularly, our Income Mentor Box Trading Academy is here to help. Let’s talk about how our leader, Andrew, made a whopping 8,000+ Euros through a single trade. It’s something that you can do as well! We want to help you become the best trader you can be!

Income Mentor Box

Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – HUGE 5 DAY PROFITS WITH 1 TRADE!

The main thing which we are here to talk about today is how Andrew and the Income Mentor Box Academy managed to make huge 5 day profits. Now, you might think that these mega profits were achieved through dozens and dozens of trades, but this is not true. Andrew recently did a live Income Mentor Box trading session where he managed to pull off an incredible feat.

With one single trade, a trade that was open for a full 5 days, Andrew was able to make over 8,000 Euros in pure profits. The trade was a NASDAQ trade, one where Andy invested 2,000 Euros. He left the trade open for a total of 5 days, and when he closed it, live on video, the total value was over 10,000 Euros. In terms of pure profits, this massive winning trade delivered 8,377 Euros.

While it is not a super regular occurrence that you can make this kind of cash through day trading, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know that it is more than possible. For more information on how you can emulate Andy’s trades and make this kind of cash, just like he does, just take a look at the included trading video. If you trade right, and you follow Andrew’s tips, and the Income Mentor Box’s lessons, there is no reason why you cannot make this kind of money through day trading.



You might be wondering exactly how Andy, courtesy of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, makes all of this profit through day trading. Well, Andrew follows and uses many different trading strategies and methods to his benefit. Now, do keep in mind that we will be covering all of these topics in an in depth manner over the next weeks and months.  

These are all methods and strategies for day trading which you can learn through the Income Mentor Box Academy. As long as you are a member, you will have unlimited lifetime access to all of these great trading lessons and tutorials. So, right now, what are some of the most important strategies and lessons you need to look out for, all of which are available to learn through our academy?

Stop Loss & Take Profit

One thing which you definitely need to become very familiar with is calculating and properly setting stop loss and take profit levels. This is all about minimizing risk and maximizing profits, so it’s definitely important to know.

Leverage & Margin

Another important day trading aspect you need to know about is leverage and margin. Leveraging trades, while being risky, can turn out to provide you with massive profits on a daily basis.

Moving Averages & Bollinger Bands

In terms of trading strategies, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know that you want an easy to follow trading strategy to make profits. Well, when it comes down to it, one of the most reliable and easy to master trading strategies is the moving average and Bollinger Bands strategy.

Technical & Fundamental Analysis

When it comes to winning trades, something that you absolutely must be able to do is to engage in technical and fundamental analysis, and to know the difference between the two.

Calculating Pips

In terms of trading Forex, something else you will learn from the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to calculate pips. If you don’t know how to calculate pips, you are going to have a hard time gauging and calculating profits made through Forex or other kinds of trading.

Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – COPY OUR FOREX/CFD SIGNALS!

Now, all of these trading strategies and pieces of information about day trading are very important to know. However, it does take some time to master any and all of these concepts. Here at the Income Mentor Box Trading Academy know that you will need some time to master these topics. However, this is why we have taken it upon ourselves to make life as easy as possible for you!

Did you know that we actually provide CFD, Forex, and stock trading signals on our Income Mentor Box Facebook page? Yes, that is right, if you sign up for our academy, for a low onetime payment of $299, you will get free and unlimited access to our free copy signals service. Every single day, on this Facebook page, we post roughly 12 trading signals. These signals come complete with entry prices, stop loss levels, and take profit levels.

In other words, you don’t really have to know anything about day trading to use these signals. Simply copy and paste them into your broker or trading platform, and watch as the money rolls in. Andy always updates the Income Mentor Box Facebook page signals, so you know exactly what the profit margins are like for any given trade. It really does not get any easier than that!


Income Mentor Box & Your Profit Potential

When all is said and done, there is really no better place to learn day trading and to make money that through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. For a very low onetime payment of $299, you get full and unlimited lifetime access to all course materials. This includes an EBook, dozens of trading tutorials, a private chat room, and our awesome copy signals service as well. If you want to learn how to be a professional day trader and start making money now, we would love to have you on board!

Income Mentor Box




Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about helping traders be the best they can be. As we have stated right from the get go, our mission to help all people out there become self-sufficient, profitable, and successful day traders. This is why we offer one of the most comprehensive day trading schools out there. This is also why we are doing this monthly $500 giveaway for 3 lucky winners.

When you sign up for the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will get access to a plethora of course materials. The course itself costs only $299 to join, and this is a onetime fee with no required upgrades or hidden costs. That $299 gets you access to the free trading EBook, over 51 day trading video tutorials, a free member’s chat room, and more.

Income Mentor Box Monthly $500 Giveaway

One of the best parts about our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is that we provide up to 12 trading signals per day. These signals can be found on our Facebook page, and they are totally complete. All you have to do is copy these signals onto your own trading platform, and make money just like Andrew, our leader, does. However, what we are here to talk about today is the monthly $500 giveaway which we are doing.

The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy Monthly $500 Giveaway

Yes, that is right guys, we are doing a monthly $500 giveaway. However, this is not just for a single winner. This monthly $500 giveaway is going to have 3 winners every single month. What could be better than getting free money?

Of course, we would love it if you joined our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy and became a successful day trader. However, the beauty of our monthly $500 giveaway is that you don’t actually have to pay or sign up for the full course. Yeah, it would be better if you did, because that way you could actually make lots of money on a daily basis through trading, but strictly speaking it is not necessary.

Just to put your minds at ease, the winners of this monthly $500 giveaway are chosen totally at random. The leader of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy uses a randomized picker tool which picks the 3 monthly winners at random. Just take a look at the video we posted here of Andrew sending the winnings to the first 3 lucky winners of our monthly $500 giveaway. Who knows, you could be the next winner!

Our Monthly $500 Giveaway

The bottom line is that this monthly $500 giveaway always has 3 random winners, and it happens every single month. With that being said, $500 is nowhere near as much money as you stand to make compared to a professional day trader. If you want to learn the ins and outs of day trading from the best in the business, Andrew and the our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is where you want to learn!

IMB Day Trading Academy Stock Market Tips

Moving Averages & Bollinger Bands Strategy

Moving Averages & Bollinger Bands Strategy


Today, Andrew is here to teach you one of his very favorite trading strategies which involves moving averages and Bollinger bands. As you probably know by now, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are all about teaching you to become the best day traders around.

This is why we are here today, to teach you a super simple trading strategy that should result in great ITM rates and profit levels too. As you will see in the video which we have included here, Andrew takes you on a step by step tutorial on how to put this moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy to use. Included is everything you need to know in order to be successful with this moving averages and Bollinger bands. We also have live trades to show you, trades which used this exact same trading strategy, and you better believe that the overall profits were great!

Now, the beauty of his moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy is that it is very easy to use and really should not take you long to master. Let’s take a closer look at Andrew’s moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy right now!


Moving Averages & Bollinger Bands Strategy – When To Use It

One thing that you probably want to know about this moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy is what kind of trading it can be applied to. Well, this trading strategy can be used for Forex, indices, and stocks, which is convenient no doubt. What is also nice here is that this moving averages and Bollinger bands trading strategy can be used in combination with any broker platform out there. As you can see, this particular day trading strategy is indeed quite versatile, and this is always nice because it can be applied to many types of trading.


Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands – What Do I Need?

There are two things that you will need here in order to use this moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy. As the name of the strategy itself implies, the first thing that you will need to put this day trading strategy to use is the moving average. To be exact, here you will need two EMAs, or exponential moving average lines. These can be found on the charts of any broker. The other thing you will need to put this strategy to use are Bollinger Bands, which all brokers also have.


Using Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands For Day Trading

Ok, so now that you know what you need to put this day trading strategy into use, let’s go over a step by step instructional on how to put it into effect. It’s really not that hard, especially if you take a look at our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy moving averages and Bollinger bands video we posted here in this article.

  1. So, first things first, you need to select the currency pairing which you wish to trade with. For the purposes of this instructional, Andy chose to go with the USD/JPY pairing.
  1. Next, you need to open up the chart and add your exponential moving average line. Go to the indicators tab and fine the EMA.
  1. For the first EMA line, make it blue, and set the length to 365, because there are 365 days of the year. Now click OK. Now, set up the second line, and make it red so it stands out, and set it to 180, and click OK.
  1. Now you need to add the Bollinger bands to the chart. Go to the indicators tab and search for the Bollinger bands. It’s one of the most popular momentum indicators, so it should be available on all brokers.
  1. The next rule here is that you are looking for the candlesticks to cross the top or bottom of the Bollinger bands. If the price is touching the top of the Bollinger bands and the price is experiencing downward momentum, it indicates that you need to place a SELL trade. This also applies in the reverse order in terms of placing a BUY trade.

Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands


Andrew’s Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands Trades – SUCCESS!

Now that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy have taught you the basics behind this moving averages and Bollinger bands trading strategy, let’s take a look at the actual trades placed. Yes, whenever Andrew does a tutorial like this, he will use that same strategy to place trades. As you can see from the embedded video, the moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy turned out to be very profitable for Andrew.

Andrew and the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy placed a total of 9 trades using this moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy. Well, 7 of the 9 trades turned out to be winners. Therefore, the ITM or win rate for this trading session is approximately 78%. This is a very good win rate and it’s nothing to look down your nose at. In terms of profits, these 9 trades generated close to 2,000 Euros for Andy. Folks, making 2K in a few hours of trading is absolutely spectacular, and it proves that this moving averages and Bollinger bands strategy is indeed the real deal.

Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands profits

Moving Averages and Bollinger Bands Strategy – Conclusion

As you can see, if done right, this moving averages and Bollinger bands day trading strategy can be very successful, just like it was for Andy. If you want to become a professional day trader, we would recommend joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. For the low price of $299, which is a onetime payment, and no hidden fees, you will get complete access to all course materials.

You will get access to over 51 trading tutorials, with more being released every day. You will also get a free day trading EBook, access to a private chat, and access to the Facebook group where free trading signals are posted every day. You can simply copy and paste these signals into your trading platform, and make a lot of money doing so, just like Andrew himself!

IMB Day Trading Academy Stock Market Tips

IMB Stock Market Tips For February

IMB Stock Market Tips For February


Yes, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are all about teaching newbies how to become professional day traders. For a very low fee, we offer full, lifetime, and unlimited access to our multitude of day trading course materials. We also provide free trading signals on a daily basis, and much more. However, today we are here to talk about some stock market tips and hot stocks to keep your eyes on for the month of February.

IMB Day Trading Academy Stock Market Tips

  1. Tesla

One of the stock market tips we have to share with you is that you absolutely need to keep an eye on the Tesla stock. At this point, with the release of the quarterly earnings report, plus some other good signs, the Tesla stock is set for a bullish run. Yes, the value of the Tesla stock has been going down since midway last year, and then plummeted when genius Elon Musk sparked up a pot cigarette on live TV, but things are set to turn around. If you want to make a killing on the stock market, our IMB Stock Market Tip would be to buy Tesla soon and expect the bullish run to do you good.

  1. Amazon

When it comes to got stocks and stock market tips, something else we would recommend is to keep an eye on Amazon. Amazon had their stock values at over $2,000 per share in October last year, which then bottomed out at around $1,340 by December 2018. However, things are looking pretty good for Amazon and a bullish run is now expected. Andrew and the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, as well as other world renowned experts, are looking to Amazon to make money. The bullish run is set and buying Amazon stocks at this point seems like a pretty good idea.

  1. Apple

Apple is another one of those stocks that any good stock market tips provider is going to tell you about. Yes, it is true that ever since the beginning, Apple was always a strong contender, with stock values skyrocketing for years and years. With that being said, over the last half year, there was a bit of a bearish pattern emerging, with the price per share falling by roughly $90 between October 2018 and January 2019. However, just like Tesla and Amazon, the quarterly report, plus some other good signs, show big time share value increases on the horizon. If you are looking for a bullish stock, our stock market tip would be to get on board before the value soars again.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy Stock Market Tips February 2019

The bottom line is that Tesla, Apple, and Amazon are the top 3 stocks to keep your eye on for February 2019. However, other good stocks to watch out for this coming month include Google and Netflix.

Of course, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we do a lot more than just provide stock market tips. For the low one time price of $299, you will gain access to all of our course materials that will turn you from a beginner to a pro day trader in just a few weeks’ time. There’s also the fact that we provide free daily trading signals that you can copy into your own trading platform and make a killing with.

IMB Day Trading Academy Stock Market Tips

Income Mentor Box – BEST ROI SO FAR!

Income Mentor Box – BEST ROI SO FAR!


If you have not yet become a member of our prestigious Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you might want to reconsider. After all, as far as the world is concerned, this is the premier day trading school to bring you up to snuff. If you want to learn to trade FX, CFD, stocks, commodities, and more, this is where you want to be. For one low price, you get unlimited and unparalleled access to some of the most comprehensive instructional materials for day trading around. Seriously, you are not going to find a better and more comprehensive day trading course for a lower price.

Anyway, this is not what we are here to talk about today. Today, we want to talk about the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy’s biggest profit session to date. If you did not already know, Andrew, the leader of this trading school, posts near daily trading and profit sessions. Here you can see just how effective Andrew’s trading strategies and methods are.

Moreover, here you can see exactly how much money or ROI you stand to make on a daily basis by being a member of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Seriously, you won’t be able to produce this kind of cash with any other academy or signals provider. Let’s talk about Andrew’s most recent profit session right now, which mind you produced the biggest ROI to date. Folks, this last trading session saw Andrew, and anybody who copies the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy’s signals, make more money than ever before!


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – OUR BEST ROI TO DATE!

As you can see from the video we have posted here, Andrew and the signals posted by the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy have just achieved the best and biggest profit session to date. Heck, we personally did not even expect the profits to be quite this high, especially not so early in the game. The fact of the matter is that through 12 trades Andrew placed, he managed to make over 4,100 Euros, or over $5,000 USD in ROI.

Folks, this did not take weeks, but mere hours. This is a trading session from one single day. Andrew placed a total of 12 trades and made more than most people make in a whole month of working a 9 to 5 job. Also, don’t worry, because you don’t even have to be a pro like Andy to make this kind of cash.

This is because Andrew and the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy use the very same signals which are posted on the Facebook group. In other words, Andrew trades with the very same signals and signal parameters as the ones posted to the Facebook group. The Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy Facebook group is where you can find these trading signals for free, which means that you can make just as much money as him on a daily basis.

Besides this latest trading session, the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy’s leader, Andrew, also posted a great informational trading session the other day. This trading session was specifically focused on support and resistance trading. Support and resistance is a great trading strategy for Forex. As you can see from the below video, Andrew made a killing with support and resistance trading. You can do this too!


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – COPY OUR SIGNALS!

What is very important to note about our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, is that we provide free trading signals to all members. As we noted before, these are the very same signals which Andrew uses to trade and make big time ROI for himself.

As long as you are a member of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you get access to the Facebook page where all of these signals are posted. Using these Forex, stock, and commodities signals for trading is very easy. All you have to do is copy the signals just as they appear on the Facebook page.

Here you will see the signals, pairings, the entry price, the stop loss, and the take profit levels. You literally just have to copy and paste the signals as they appear. If you do this, you stand to make just as much money as Andrew does in these trading sessions. Heck, you don’t even have to be a pro or go through the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy’s material if you don’t want. Simply copy the signals and make big time ROIs on a daily basis!


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – LOW ONE-TIME FEE!

Something which may not be clear about our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is that you only have to pay a onetime fee to become a member. It only costs $299 to join the course. Moreover, you get full and unlimited lifetime access to all course materials including the free EBook, the 51+ video tutorials, and the private members chat room.

The fact of the matter is that you are not going to find a better deal than this. Other day trading schools can cost up to $1,500 or more, and they don’t provide the same level of education as our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy does.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – BEST ROI YET!

The bottom line is that we would love you to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. This is where you will learn to day trade like the best professionals out there, such as Andrew for instance. It only costs $299 to join, there are no hidden fees, and this is a onetime payment.

Moreover, the amount of comprehensive and user friendly educational materials you get access to here is truly unrivaled by any other trading school out there. If you want access to free trading signals so you can copy them and make just as much money as Andrew does, this is absolutely the place to be.

Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy