How I’m Trading Crypto Profitably
Hello everybody, my names is James Gagnon, and I’m now trading crypto profitably. Of course, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies provide great profit opportunities. With that being said, trading crypto is not easy, something that I unfortunately had to learn the hard way. I knew that there was great money to be made in the world of cryptocurrencies. However, I just didn’t know what I was doing.
Today, I want to tell you the story of how I learned to trade crypto profitably. I also want to talk about an awesome tool that I started using that makes trading crypto profitably very easy, nearly foolproof in fact. Now, I do want to start this story of my cryptocurrency trading journey from the beginning, so let me get to it.
The year was 2018, and Bitcoin was all the rage. I saw so many of my friends making tens of thousands of dollars by trading and investing in Bitcoin, as well as many other cryptocurrencies too. Now, I had four friends who were trading, and they were all quite profitable. They all kept telling me that I should try my hand at it, and that it was super easy.
Hey, I’m James Gagnon

I figured that I would give cryptocurrency trading a shot. For the record, I am now a 40 year old man, who until a few years ago was a full time sanitization expert. For those of you who don’t know, where I live here in Canada, a sanitization expert is a garbage man. Yes, I drove from home to home collecting people’s garbage. Needless to say, it was not a glorious living.
Sure, the pay was decent, but it was really hard work, not to mention that I permanently smelled like old trash. I wanted something better for myself, and for my kids too.
Sending three kids to university on a “sanitization expert” salary was not really feasible. I wanted to start trading crypto profitably and start making real money that I could support myself and my children with. So, in late 2018, I started my journey into the world of cryptocurrency trading.

My First Crypto Trading Experience
So, near the end of 2018, I started my journey of trading cryptocurrencies. I thought that trading crypto profitably would be super easy. All I would have to do is go read the news to see which cryptocurrencies were rising in value, and then place some easy trades.
Well, how wrong I was. During my first week of crypto trading, I placed about 3 trades per day for 5 days, for a total of 15 trades. I won one single trade out of all 15. Yes, I lost 14 out of 15 trades.
Moreover, that one trade I managed to win, well that was sheer dumb luck, and I only made a few bucks. In the grand scheme of things, from just five days of trading, I was out nearly $5,000. Yeah, I had just flushed $5,000 straight down the toilet. Needless to say, I was not happy.

I did some research into how I could make easy money trading cryptocurrencies without really knowing what I was doing. After all, I wanted to make money now. I just didn’t have the time to spend months or even years going through a learning process.
I had a few people tell me about signals services. Without getting too deep into it, this is a service that spoon feeds you the information you need to make profitable trades. Well, at least they are supposed to be profitable. So, to help me with trading crypto profitably, I figured I would join a signals service. Let’s talk about how that went.
My First Cryptocurrency Signals Group
So, I did some looking around, but I was pretty hasty and impatient, so I more or less joined the first cryptocurrency signals provider that I found. It seemed legit enough in the beginning. The website certainly looked convincing.
Moreover, the man in charge of it all certainly talked a big game too. Yes, I was naïve no doubt, but I fell for this man’s empty words, and I proceeded to pay upwards of $1,000 for just 3 months of membership into this signals service, which unfortunately has to remain unnamed. Sorry folks, I don’t want to anger the wrong people here, so I can’t mention this lousy crypto signals service by name.
Now, what I can say is that this signals service promised to deliver 10 signals per day with 100% accuracy. Well, for the first two weeks, I only got 2 or 3 signals per day. To my honest surprise, none of them were accurate. I tried using this service for about a week, and I didn’t win a single trade with the provided crypto signals.
Yeah, it was pretty bad. Not only were the signals just plain false (I think whoever was putting the signals together was just coming up with them out of thin air), but also impossible to understand.

Even though a signals service is supposed to make trading much easier, for some reason, using this service seemed to be about as difficult as learning astrophysics. I just wasn’t happy. Not only were the signals downright terrible, but I also wasn’t learning trading crypto profitably either. I did actually want to learn what I was doing so I could become self-reliant.
So, at this point I was down more than $10,000, and I was mad, really mad. I was ready to throw in the towel and to just call it quits. However, I was never one to just give up like that, even after losing such an astronomical amount of money. For this reason, I did some in-depth research. Thanks to my never-say-die attitude, I managed to find what would turn out to be my lifesaver, Crypto Trading Box. Let me tell you want Crypto Trading Box was able to do for me in terms of trading crypto profitably.
Trading Crypto Profitably with Crypto Trading Box
When it comes to trading crypto profitably and Crypto Trading Box, there are two main things that I want to talk about. First, there is the Crypto Trading Box signals service, one that actually worked, and then there is the education side of things.
You see, one of the reasons why I joined Crypto Trading Box was because it’s not only a signals provider for easy trading, but there is also an educational component. Yes, copy and pasting signals is fine, especially to make a few quick bucks here and there.
However, I didn’t want to have to fully rely on the signals to trade. I wanted to learn about cryptocurrencies and trading them, so I could become self-reliant and do it on my own successfully without the need for outside assistance. This is where Crypto Trading Box came into play, because I started trading crypto profitably right away after joining it.

I was honestly too lazy to learn about crypto trading at first, so I just used the signals. Folks, these signals were totally foolproof. I just had to join the Crypto Trading Box group in the Telegram messenger app. Once I did that, I started getting up to a dozen crypto signals every day, usually between 8 and 10, but sometimes as many as 12. I started trading with these signals.
Of course, I was hesitant, so I started small. Well, on my first day, I won 4 of the 5 trades I placed with the Crypto Trading Box signals. I kept investing more per trade, and opening more trades per day too. By the end of the second week, I was placing up to 10 trades per day, and typically winning 8 or 9 of those 10 trades.
When I saw that Crypto Trading Box advertised a signal accuracy rate of 80% to 95%, I was skeptical to say the least. However, after a few weeks of trading, I was convinced that it was the real deal. By the end of three weeks, I had made back all of the money that I had lost trading cryptocurrencies up to this point. Between the lost trades and the first signals group I joined, that was more than $15,000. So, thanks to Crypto Trading Box, I was now trading crypto profitably.

The signals were indeed super accurate, and easy to understand too. I just opened up an online broker account, started copy and pasting those signals into my broker, clicking on trade, and watching as the profits accumulated. For the low price that it cost me to join Crypto Trading Box, needless to say, I was super pleased. I was now making at least $2,500 per week trading crypto profitably.
However, trading crypto profitably was not enough for me. I didn’t just want to rely on someone else’s signals to trade successfully. I wanted to be able to trade on my own, using my own knowledge and skills. This is when I decided to take part in the educational aspect of Crypto Trading Box. It was a great choice indeed.
The cryptocurrency trading course that came included with my membership was very effective at providing me with all of the skills I needed to make money trading crypto profitably. It was a relatively short course. However, just because it was short didn’t mean that the education wasn’t value. The education provided by Crypto Trading Box was comprehensive yet concise. It took me just about two weeks to work my way through the lessons.

What’s also really cool is that the group admins also provide daily level two news updates. So, once I had learned about crypto trading, I was then able to put this crypto news to use. This fundamental analysis was something I learned thanks to Crypto Trading Box. The admins even provide daily trading strategies and more. I even got info about participating in premium pumps and dumps that allowed me to make fast money.
My Life Now – Trading Crypto Profitably
I am now indeed trading crypto profitable, and it’s all thanks to Crypto Trading Box. Between the signals group and the education I received, trading crypto profitably is more or less guaranteed as far as I am concerned. Sure, I still have losing trades, and even some days where I lose money in general.
However, in the grand scheme of things, I am now a winning trader. I can make anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 monthly trading cryptocurrencies. That is way more than I ever made cleaning up other people’s trash. Thanks to Crypto Trading Box, I was able to quit my job as a sanitization expert and become a full time trader.
Well, to be fair, I only work part time hours, but make more money than when I was working full time hours before. It is really awesome, and now I don’t have to worry about not having enough money to put all three of my kids through school. Thank you Crypto Trading Box. Because of this awesome service, I am now living my best life.

For more trading tips, strategies, methods, and everything in between, check out Andrew’s Trading Channel. Here you will find the world’s best stock market trading school, a trusted day trading school, state of the art indicators and trading tools, Forex and crypto signals groups, and more!