Profiting With The Economic Calendar

Profiting With The Economic Calendar


Something we always stress when trading, whether Forex, CFD, or stocks, is that you always need to check the economic calendar. For those of you who don’t know, the economic calendar is one of the most crucial and useful resources in your day trading tool kit. Today we are going to talk about how you can profit through trading with the economic calendar. There is more to it than you might think, something that you will learn here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.

Income Mentor Box - Economic Calendar

What Is The Economic Calendar?

The economic calendar is a schedule of sorts, one which informs stock and currency traders of important developments in the market. Technically speaking, the economic calendar shows scheduled press events, news releases, and data releases which may affect the market. There are very many of these data releases that happen every single day, usually multiple ones per day. Each of these events is graded, usually on a scale of 1 to 3.

Each event has a grade in terms of how big its effect is expected to be for the market, especially in terms of the values of stocks and currencies. This is a very important thing to keep your eye on. Each day, before you start trading, you need to check the economic calendar for these data releases, as they all have significant influences on how you will trade that day.


The Economic Calendar – Risk, Volatility, & 3 Bull News

As we mentioned before, all of these press, event, and data releases are graded using numerical or color codes. This can be green, yellow, and red, 1, 2, or 3, or as displays it, their news releases are graded as 1, 2, or 3 Bull news. You might have heard us here at Income Mentor Box talking about 3 bull news before. Well, green and yellow, or 1 and 2, are OK. You can still trade with these news releases, but 3 Bull News is what you really want to look out for.

When there are 3 Bull News releases scheduled, it means that they will affect the market in a really big way. These news releases, which you can find on the economic calendar, can cause major swings in currency and stock market values. Therefore, you need to keep a close eye on this. We would recommend using the economic calendar on - Economic Calendar
Image Courtesy of

Make sure to set it to your own time zone, as looking at the wrong time zone can be disastrous. You need to look out for 3 Bull News. Generally speaking, most traders will close all Forex and stock positions about 5 minutes before 3 Bull News is set to be released. When these releases happen, you don’t know how the market will react, what degree of risk it creates, and in which value direction assets will go.

Therefore, it is recommended that day traders do not open any trading positions, Forex, stock, or otherwise, until a few minutes have passed since the last release of 3 Bull News. This will help you avoid very risky trading situations and high levels of volatility. 3 Bull News releases are highly unpredictable, and you should stave off of trading until they have passed.


Your Checklist – How To Use The Economic Calendar

When you are looking at your economic calendar, there are a few important things you need to look for. If you use the economic calendar to keep an eye on these various factors, your chances of making profits through Forex and stock trading greatly increase. Just in case you want to trade stocks, check out these big time cannabis stocks that have huge profit potential right now.

  1. What time is the economic news being released? Remember, close your trading positions at least 5 minutes before an important news release (3 Bull News), and wait for a few minutes to open a position after the news has passed.
  1. What is the standard interpretation of the economic news? Is the value of a certain asset set to go up or down? While this is a good way to gauge what kind of trading positions you should open, you should still wait until well after the 3 Bull News has been released.
  1. How important is the economic news release coming out? On the scale of 1 to 3, where is it ranked? The higher it is ranked in importance, with 3 Bull News being the most important, the greater its overall effect will be on the market.

Which Indicators Influence The Economic Calendar?

What you should also know is what kind of indicators are used and which ones are utilized to determine the news releases and their degree of importance. The following are all factors taken into account when it comes to the economic calendar.

  • GDP reports
  • Housing starts
  • Industrial production
  • Producer price index
  • PMI
  • Consumer confidence index
  • Consumer credit report
  • CPI inflation rate
  • Durable goods
  • Employment reports
  • Existing home sales
  • Factory orders
  • Jobless claims
  • Trade balance
  • Retail data


Our Live Economic Calendar Trading Session

If you have already watched the video which we have included here, courtesy of our own Andrew from Income Mentor Box, you know that trading using nothing else other than the economic calendar can indeed be very profitable. As Andrew notes in the live trading sessions, if you use the economic calendar right, you can use it to place trades without any other strategies being used.

As you can see from the live trading video, Andrew from Income Mentor Box used it to place a total of 4 Forex trades, all 4 of which turned out to be winners, generating around 1,300 Euros in profits. Guys, Andrew used nothing else but the Economic Calendar to win 4 trades and 1,300 Euros in just about 1 hour of trading. If you follow our tips and use this resource to its fullest, there is no reason why you cannot do the same.

Trading With The Economic Calendar – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that you never want to trade without first consulting the economic calendar. It is a resource that you should never ever forget to use. Remember folks, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is all about turning you into a day trading professional. For one very low fee, you get access to a multitude of course materials. This includes over 50 day trading lessons hosted by none other than Andrew himself, a free EBook, a group chat, and more. We even have a free Income Mentor Box signals service which you can use to copy trading signals to make quick and easy profits!

Income Mentor Box Economic Calendar


Income Mentor Box – #1 Trading School!

Income Mentor Box – #1 Trading School!


If you want to learn to day trade like a pro, in just a few weeks, and for a very limited cost, Income Mentor Box is the right place to be. Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is dedicated to turning you into a profitable and self-sustaining day trader. It’s all about putting money in your pockets!

Income Mentor Box - Trading Mistakes

Income Mentor Box – What’s Our Mission?

Ok, so what’s our mission? Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, our mission is to help you become the best trader you can be. If you want to get into day trading, you have come to the right place. The fact of the matter is that day trading, whether Forex, or otherwise, is not as easy as some make it out to be. Yes, there are little tips and tricks to help make life much easier, and to make trading more profitable.

However, there is nothing out there that can beat good old training and schooling. Here, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy has the goal of turning your from a newbie into a professional day trader in just a couple of months. The ultimate goal is for you to hone your skills to the point where you can quit your 9 to 5 day job and start trading with real results. Whether you want to trade stocks, Forex, indices, or commodities, we can help you accomplish your goals. It’s all about making healthy and consistent profits on a daily basis so you can stop flipping burgers or frying fish for a living.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – Over 51 Trading Tutorials

When it comes down to it, there is really no better place to learn than with Income Mentor Box. The main bulk of our educational day trading content comes in the form of trading tutorials. We have over 51 separate full length day trading lessons and tutorials. All of these are videos that come in varying lengths.

The aim here is to start off easy and to teach you the basics of day trading. After you have learned the basics, we move on to some of the harder and more complex materials. Income Mentor Box covers things like how to trade, trading strategies, indicators, the stock market, risk management, Forex trading, and so much more. Combined, we have well over 51 day trading tutorials that will turn you into a professional trader.

Depending on how fast you move through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy lessons, it should take between 2 and 8 weeks for you to complete the course. Think about it folks, within 2 months at the most, you can learn everything you need to know to be a profitable, consistent, and professional day trader. All of our tutorials are hosted by none other than Andrew.

Andrew is a long time day trader with many years and even more dollars of successful trading under his belt. He doesn’t claim to be a guru or some kind of day trading god, but he definitely knows what he is doing. A big advantage of Income Mentor Box is that Andrew has the ability to explain things in a way that makes sense, even to people who have never heard of Forex or stock trading before.


Income Mentor Box – Use Our Free Signals Service!

Without a doubt, one of the best services which we offer here at Income Mentor Box, is our free signals provision service. Yes, finding stock and Forex signals can be really hard, especially if you want reliable ones that will generate profits. When you become a member of our prestigious academy, our Income Mentor Box signals service is totally free to use for life. Here we have a Facebook page where we post all of our signals.

Income Mentor Box provides up to 12 trading signals daily, all 5 days of the week. These trading signals can come in the form of stock signals, commodities signals, indices, and more. However, the vast majority of the Income Mentor Box signals provided focus on Forex trading.

Making money really does not get much easier than this. All you have to do is keep the Facebook signals page open and wait for us to post them. Then, once we post the trading signals, you simply have to copy them into your trading platform or broker of choice. We provide the entry prices, the take profit levels, and the stop loss levels too. All you have to do is copy the signals, place the trades, and wait as they generate profits for you!

Income Mentor Box – A Low Onetime Fee!

Something that we have been getting some questions about is how much we charge to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Well, we charge a grand total of $299, which is really not very much. Keep in mind that this is a onetime payment, with no upgrades and no hidden fees. We are certainly not like those pay to win games out there. Once you pay the onetime fee of $299, you will never have to pay another penny.

For that low onetime fee, you gain full and unlimited access to all of our course materials and other services. This includes the Income Mentor Box video tutorials, the free EBook, the members chat, and our Income Mentor Box signals service as well. The fact of the matter is that you really won’t find any other trading school out there with such great materials, so much educational content, all for such a low price.


Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that we would love to have you onboard at our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. For a low onetime fee, you will gain full access to all of our top quality course materials. You will learn everything there is to know about day trading through our plethora of educational materials. Even if all else fails and you still cannot fully grasp the concepts, you can still use our free signals service to place profitable trades with ease!


Income Mentor Box Trading Mistakes

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – STOP LOSING!

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – STOP LOSING!


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about providing you with the means and knowledge to be a profitable trader. Here we do everything in our power to teach you how to trade Forex, indices, CFD, stocks, and more, so you can make money from home. We want you to be able to quit your day job. In terms of Forex trading, we do focus on this a lot, as it is a very popular type of trading.

Income Mentor Box - Forex Trading Winning Secrets

With that being said, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know that Forex trading is not as easy as some make it out to be. Yes, you might be losing a lot of your currency trades, which of course does you no favors at all. That is why we are here today, to cover some Forex trading winning secrets.

These are strategies, methods, and tips that you should follow when Forex trading so you stop losing trades. Keep in mind that today’s Forex trading winning secrets review is based on the video which our mentor, Andrew, has just uploaded. The video itself is quite in depth, and we just want to go over some of the biggest points made. We also have a great live trading session to show you, with real, big, and live profits, which Andrew was able to achieve using these Forex trading winning secrets.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – Support & Resistance!

One Forex trading secret which Andrew discusses here has to do with support and resistance trading. Yes, Andrew and we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are big fans of support and resistance trading. It is absolutely a great way to win trades. To find out how to trade using the support and resistance strategy, take a look at the video we have included here, and read this article on S&R as well.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – 1 Minute Charts & Entry Prices

Another thing which Andrew discusses here in the main video of the day, the Forex trading winning secrets video, is using 1 minute charts to look at and determine what the best entry prices are when trading currency pairs. Andrew does a great job at explaining it in the video. Moreover, if you are a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will gain access to full lessons related to entry prices and charting analysis.

Forex Trading 1 Minute Charts


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – RECOMMENDED TRADING HOURS!

Something which Andrew actually does not mention here, but is a winning secret none the less, is that you should always do Forex trading during the recommended trade hours. This means trading between 9 AM and 7 PM, if you live in the GMT time zone. If you don’t reside in the GMT time zone, you will want to make appropriate adjustments to match your time zone with GMT. This is when the market is the most active and it’s when you stand the biggest chance of winning those Forex trades.

Forex Trading Winning Secrets – The Economic Calendar

Folks, before you start trading for the day, always check the economic calendar. You never want to start trading without doing so. Here you are looking for 3 Bull News. Simply put, when there is 3 Bull News on the horizon, stop trading until it has passed. 3 Bull News can create a whole lot of trouble for currency traders.

Forex Trading 3 Bull News



On a little side note, we do want to mention that at this time, you should stick to Forex, indices, CFD, and stock trading. Many people feel the need to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, with the state of the market as it is right now, Bitcoin and crypto is just not worth the effort. Maybe if Bitcoin and the altcoins bounce back a bit, this will chance, but for now, Forex is what you want to trade.


Forex Trading Live Session – Andy’s Results

Perhaps the most important thing that we want to show you today is that Andrew’s Forex trading winning secrets do in fact work. This is not just jargon or pointless information. As you can see from the live trading video which we included here, Andrew used these secrets to make himself a healthy profit.

Andrew placed only 1 trade using these secrets, a GBP/USD trade, and through this trade, he managed to generate over 500 Euros in profits. Folks, it only took him 47 minutes to make 518 Euros in profits. If you follow these Forex trading secrets and tips, you can easily do the same for yourself. Once you know what you are doing, you will be nearly unstoppable. Of course, to really become a pro day trader, we would recommend joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – COPY OUR FX SIGNALS!

Ok, so all of these winning secrets we have discussed here really are worth their weight in gold. If you follow the tips laid out above, you should have no problems winning the majority of your Forex trades.

However, if you do not have time to learn right now, or you just don’t have the patience, you can always use our free signals provision service. Now, you do have to be a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy in order to get access to our free signals service, but we think that you will love it.

When you join our academy, you will get access to our Facebook page where we provide up to 12 trading signals per day, usually Forex, but we include some stocks, securities, and indices signals as well. Making money here through Forex trading is super easy. All you have to do is copy our signals as they appear, right into your trading platform, and watch as the positions put money in your account.


Forex Trading Winning Secrets – Final Thoughts

There you have it folks, some of the biggest Forex trading winning secrets from today’s video, and in general. If you follow the tips, secrets, and tips which we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy provide on a regular basis, you should have no issues winning those FX trades. Of course, if you really want to become a full time, professional, and winning trader, you need to join the academy. You will gain access to a plethora of easy to understand day trading lessons and tutorials, all for a really low price.

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Scalping Strategy – PROFITABLE TRADING!

Scalping Strategy – PROFITABLE TRADING!


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we want to turn you into the most profitable trader you can be. This is why we are here today, to teach you about the scalping strategy for Forex and other asset types. This is also known as scalp trading, but whatever you choose to call it, it can be a super profitable way to trade and to make consistent profits.

Income Mentor Box - Scalping Strategy

What Is The Scalping Strategy?

When it comes to trading currencies, such as Forex trading, one strategy that you should know all about is the scalping strategy. This is otherwise known as scalp trading. Here, instead of placing a few decent sized or large trades, the scalping strategy is all about placing lots of little trades with small investment amounts.

This is one of the harder trading strategies to master, as it does require a whole lot of focus and discipline. This is because scalp trading involves placing up to 100 trades per day, and you need to be able to place the right trades, and to be able to keep an eye on them all as well. The amount of focus required for scalp trading is quite high indeed.

Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we do want to teach you this scalp trading strategy, as it does have the potential to provide you with big time solid profits on a daily basis. However, if this is not something you are familiar with, you might want to become a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. You will need to learn a few other things before you can attempt to do this, and our academy is the perfect place to learn.


Scalping Strategy Benefits

Like we said, scalp trading does have a number of benefits for the Forex or currency trader. In all reality, it can in fact lead to some big time profits, as long as you know what you are doing. One of the biggest benefits associated with this scalping trading method is that it reduces the exposure to risk, specifically the risk of lost capital. Yes, there are lots of trades bring placed here, but each trade is very small, so the amount of risk, or the amount of money you could possibly lose per trade is never going to be very high.

Another benefit that comes with scalp trading is the fact that it provides you with many different daily trading opportunities. Instead of just placing a few larger trades, here you can place up to 100 trades per day, thus providing you with plenty of profitable opportunities. In other words, it allows you to make more trades and catch ones which you might have otherwise missed out on. Our own Andrew A, from Income Mentor Box, does a great job at explaining this scalping strategy in a way which makes it easy for newbies to understand.


How To Scalp Trade Properly

One thing which we want to get out of the way here is that we are not going to cover this scalping strategy too in depth. We want to give you a rough overview so you know what it is about and how to do it. However, for a full scalping strategy lesson, you will want to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Remember guys, scalp trading is by far not the only thing we teach, as our aim is to make a winning trader out of you.

At any rate, this scalping strategy involves placing many trades, or in other words, a high volume of trades, but keeping the investment per trade quite low. Generally speaking, when it comes to scalp trading, your profit target should be between 0.1% and 1% of your original investment. No, a 1% ROI is not big at all, but if you place 100 trades per day, it all starts to add up really fast. Yes, you do need a lot of concentration, you need to pay attention to indicators, price charts, and you need to keep an eye out for news developments as well.

However, another thing that you need to know about this scalping strategy is that winning trades is crucial. If you only place 6 trades, you might be able to get away with a win ratio under 50%. As long as some of the bigger trades are profitable, you will be fine. Yet, when it comes to scalp trading, you need to be on top of your game, because winning as many trades as possible is crucial to making a profit here. Winning and losing trades when scalp trading tend to be fairly equal in size, so your ITM rate is what really counts here.

Scalping Strategy – Different Ways To Do It

The other thing which we want to cover today, is that there are multiple ways to engage in this scalping strategy, especially in relation to fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and indicators. There are a few different good ways to scalp trade, so let’s just talk about these real quick.

Scalping With An Oscillator 

One of the more common, yet also harder ways to engage in this scalping strategy is to use some kind of oscillator indicator in order to determine future price action.

Scalping Strategy – Stochastic 

Another way in which you can engage in scalp trading is by using the Stochastic oscillator. However, you will want to use another indicator when using the Stochastic, as it usually cannot stand alone. A good secondary tool to use when using Stochastics are Bollinger Bands.

Scalp Trading With Support & Resistance 

This is one of the easier and more straightforward ways to engage in scalping. When you are support and resistance scalping, you want a good trading range and a low level of volatility.


Scalping Strategy – Final Thoughts

If you want a really full and in depth lesson on this scalping strategy, we would recommend watching the full video which we have included here, courtesy of Andrew, our leader. Moreover, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is an even better way to learn about the scalping strategy. There’s also the fact that we provide well over 50 trading lessons, a free signals service, and a free trading EBook as well!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

We Accept Guest Blog Posts!

We Accept Guest Blog Posts!

As you probably know by now, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy are all about teaching you to be the best day trader you can be. Of course, we have a multitude of course materials to help you achieve long term and big time trading success. With over 51 video lessons, an EBook, a free signals service, and more to come, you will learn to trade Forex and more with confidence and ease. However, we do not want to be the ones to do all of the talking here. We would love for you to send us guest blog posts.

We are more than happy to publish guest blog posts about your own trading experiences of all kinds. Sending us your guest blog posts is a great way to increase the viewership and traffic of your own website. There are things we might not know, current news we might not be aware of, or other things which you feel are important for the world to know. Let’s talk about what you need to do for us to publish your blog post on our website.

Income Mentor Box - Guest Blog Posts


Guest Blog Posts – What You Need To Know

We are not going to be overly selective in terms of which of your posts we will publish. More or less, as long as it has anything to do with trading, especially day trading, we will be happy to publish your guest blog posts. However, there are some things you need to be aware of, and some requirements for you to follow, in order to get your blog post published on our website.

  • The guest blogs posts may be about Forex trading, crypto trading, indices trading, commodities, the stock market, and more. Like we said, as long as it is relevant to day trading, we want to hear about it.


  • We would love to hear about your successful trading strategies, as well as ones that are not successful. If you choose to make a trading strategy guest blog post, it must be coherent, reliable, tested, and proven to work.


  • We accept guest blog posts focused on trading and investment scams. We want to know about scams so we can tell the greater public to stay away from them. We are also open to publishing guest blog posts focused on profitable trading applications.


  • Your posts must be between 500 and 1,500 words in length. For each 500 words, you must include a minimum of 2 back links to authority websites.


  • If you want us to publish your post, you must have at least 1 back link to our website ( on your own blogging website. This back link to our website must be embedded somewhere within one of your own blog posts or on your website in general.


Accepting Guest Blog Posts NOW!

Not only do we want to teach you to be the best day traders you can be, but we also want to hear from you as well. Have you been scammed by a trading application? Do you have a strategy the world should know about? Is there any important market news the rest of us are not aware of? Whatever it may be, we would love to publish your guest blog posts! SEND YOUR POSTS TO INVESTINGNEWSNET@GMAIL.COM



Income Mentor Box Trading Success

Traits You Need For Trading Success

Traits You Need For Trading Success


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we know how important it is for you to win trades and to make money. However, trading success is not as easy to achieve as some might think. Beginners seem to be under the impression that they can just pick up an autotrader, place some trades, and go buy a Lamborghini with the winnings. However, of course, there is a lot more to achieving trading success than just placing a few trades.

Our mission here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to help you quit your 9 to 5 job. It’s all about teaching you how to achieve trading success so you can become a profitable and full time day trader from home. Yes, we have tons of videos, lessons, tutorials, free signals to copy, and so much more. However, another big part of the learning curve has to do with developing traits you need for trading success. You have to have the right mindset, the right traits, and the right personal characteristics to be a winning trader. Let’s get right to it and talk about the most important traits you need to achieve trading success.

Income Mentor Box - Trading Success

A Reasonable Thought Process – NOT EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN

One of the biggest traits you need as a trader is the ability to think rationally, reasonably, and to leave your emotions at the door once you start trading. Being overly emotional, or emotional at all, is a big trading mistake which many beginners seem to make. You might get angry due to losing a trade. However, trading in anger is not going to get you far and will probably just lead to failure.

You need to learn to check your ego and keep your emotions on the back burner here. Day trading is all about being reasonable, rational, and looking at the cold hard facts. There is just no point in letting your emotions get the best of you. Achieving trading success is about using your mind, your clear headed and emotion free mind to make the right trades!

Patience, Speed, & Timing

Another really important trait that you need to develop in order to achieve trading success is patience, and on that same note, speed and proper timing. Way too many newbie traders out there will trade at any given time, probably just because they have a few minutes to spare. There are way too many people out there who are impatient and place trades ASAP due to a lack of patience. This will bring you nothing but losses. You need to be able to read the market and wait for the opportune moment to strike and place a trading position.

On that same note, you do also need to be very timely and quick in order to achieve big time trading success. Yes, you do need to be patient and wait for the right trades, but once the opportunities present themselves, you have to act immediately. The market is not patient, it is not forgiving, and it is certainly not going to wait for you to make up your mind. When the opportunity presents itself, you need to act fast, you need to be timely, and you need to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself.

Being Cautious Of Risk – BUT NOT FEARFUL OF IT!

In order to achieve trading success, you also need to know all about risk. A big mistake which newbies make is being overly cautious and fearful, both of loss of capital and risk. However, if you want to win trades, you have to take some risks on occasion. The fact of the matter is that trading stocks, Forex, or whatever else is always going to involve a certain degree of risk. Holding back all of the time and only placing trades that are sure to win, which is a misconception anyway, won’t get you very far.

On that same note, or on the opposite side of the coin, you also cannot be way too risky of a trader. Achieving trading success is about striking a balance between some healthy caution and being able to handle a bit of risk. Sure, big time risk can lead to big time wins, but it more often than not just leads to big time losses. You need to be cautious, but not overly so. Risk is just something you will have to get used to in day trading, but you don’t want to be its best friend either.

Achieving Trading Success – Some Other Useful Traits

  • In order to achieve trading success, you need the persistent and mentally tough. You will never achieve long term success if you throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble.
  • You also need to be highly adaptable in order to achieve consistent trading success. The market is always in a state of flux and things can change at a moment’s notice. You need to be able to adapt with the changing conditions of the market.
  • You do also want to be an independent trader. Yes, here are the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we can indeed teach your to be a self-reliant and independent trader.

The Traits To Achieve Trading Success – Final Thoughts

As you can see, to achieve big time trading success, whether stocks, Forex, or otherwise, you need to have these traits in your arsenal. Some people might have some of them and some might have none. However, you certainly won’t develop these traits by sitting on your couch and binge watching whatever it is you like to watch.

The point here is that a trading school such as our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can provide you with all of the tools, skills, knowledge, and traits you need to achieve trading success. We charge only $299, which is a onetime payment with no hidden fees, and you will gain full and unlimited lifetime access to all of our course materials. We even have a free signals provision service so you can copy winning Forex trades right into your trading platform! There’s also the fact that we are doing monthly giveaways with 3 lucky winners per month.

Income Mentor Box Trading Success




Are you just sick and tired of losing trades? Yes, that is the reality of trading, something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. When you suffer multiple trading losses in a row, especially across a few days, it can be very disheartening and may want to make you quite trading altogether. However, we are here to help you to stop losing trades.

As you might know, our mission here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is to help you stop losing trades. However, it is so much more than that. We want to help you quit your 9 to 5 job so you can become a full time trader from home. The aim here is to turn you from a newbie into a profitable and self-sustaining trader. As long as you can stop losing trades, you can start making thousands of dollars from home on a daily basis.

Income Mentor Box Stop Losing Trades

Today we are here specifically to inform you of how we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy can help you to stop losing trades. There are several points we want to cover here, including our great lessons, pro mentorship, free signals to copy, and so much more. Let’s get right to it and talk about how we can help you stop losing trades right here and right now.

Stop Losing Trades With The Right Mentor

The fact of the matter is that day trading, whether Forex or otherwise, is not something you can just pick up one day and start doing just like that. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge to do this kind of thing successful, especially over a long term basis. The problem which many people suffer from is not having the right mentors or teachers to show them the way. There is no arguing with the fact that somebody who is now successful, and somebody who has already gone through the learning curve, is what you need in order to stop losing trades.

People go to school for absolutely everything from being a police officer or hairstylist to mechanical engineering. So, why not go to school for day trading. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, your leader and mentor is Andrew. Andrew is a long time professional day trader that has already made all of the mistakes there are to make, and he has learned from them. He’s already made the biggest mistakes so you don’t have to. The fact of the matter is that Andrew is in a great position to help you stop losing trades.


Stop Losing Trades & Get Over Your Fears

One of the biggest issues which many newbie traders face is fear. Yes, fear of risk and losing trades is totally debilitating. Being too scared, fearful, or cautious can lead to big time trading losses. If you are way too hesitant, you might not invest enough per trade, or just not make the right trades altogether. If you want to stop losing trades, you need to get over your fears and start making sound decisions. Yes, a lot of this has to do with practice, and with knowledge as well.

Well, Andrew from our Income mentor Box Day Trading Academy can give you the skills, knowledge, and practice that you need in to stop losing trades. With all of the lesson we provide here, and the real practice we give you, we can provide with the much needed confidence to put an end to those trading losses, at least most of them! Remember folks, we cannot ensure that you never lose trades again, but we can surely do our best!

Stop Losing Trades & Manage Your Cash

Something else that you will learn through our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is money management. Many people just don’t manage their money right when it comes to day trading, and it shows. Now, proper money management will not really stop losing trades, but it will give you a safety net to fall back on.

You see, many day traders out there will take their winnings and blow them on something idiotic like a car. However, what then happens when you suffer from a string of losses? You have no reserve cash to fall back on, that’s what happens. Folks, being able to manage money and save a good portion of your trading winnings is something you will become intimately familiar with here.


Stop Losing Trades By Copying Ours!

Ok, so yes, we provide tons of lessons, tutorials, and mentorship to help you stop losing trades. However, it gets even better than that. Did you know that members of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy get access to our Facebook signals provision page? That is right, if you are member, you will get access to our 100% free signals provision service.

Here we post roughly 12 trading signals per day, Forex and others, which you just have to copy into your trading platform of choice. We only provide the best signals around, and you can expect great ITM rates simply by copying our trades! It’s definitely a great way to stop losing trades!

Stop Losing Trades Today!

The bottom line is that if you want to stop losing trades, at least a whole lot of them, joining our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the best way to go about it. Here we provide you with the right mentorship and leadership. Andrew is a top notch day trader, and if there is anybody out there who can help you stop losing trades, it is him.

Here we can provide you with over 50 in depth lessons and tutorials on day trading, and so much more. Heck, we even provide free Forex signals for you to trade with on a daily basis, ones that you can copy and paste into your trading platform of choice! Folks, for the low onetime payment of $299, you can stop losing trades and start making money!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Forex Trading & Risk Management

Forex Trading & Risk Management


If you have not yet become a member of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you might want to try it out. We are all about helping you become the very best day traders you can be. This goes for Forex, CFD, stock, indices, commodities, and crypto trading. Our main goal is to help you become a profitable and self-sustaining day trader so you can quit your 9 to 5 job. One thing that you definitely need to know about as a trader is risk management.

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Being able to engage in effective risk management will help produce both short and long term results, good results. If you do not have good risk management skills, your shelf life as a trader is not going to be very long at all. This is why we are here today, to give you some of the most important trading risk management tips to put to use. If you follow our risk management tips, you will end up being much more successful as a trader, especially when it comes to preventing major losses happening time after time.


Risk Management – Prepare For The Worst

Now, as you know, here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about teaching you to be the best traders you can be. With that being said, risk is something you are always going to have to deal with. This is true whether you are trading Forex, CFD, indices, commodities, stocks, crypto, or anything else. Risk is an inherent factor in the market and you better get used to it quick. Even the best of the best day traders out there can lose a lot of trades and money if they don’t engage in effective risk management.

One thing that you need to be prepared for here, in terms of risk management, is to lose all of your money. Yes, you need to be prepared to lose. This means that you cannot have any qualms about losing an investment. In other words, never trade with money that you don’t have to spare. If it comes down to paying your electricity bill for the month or placing a Forex trade with your last $200, you need to pay that electricity bill. Never trade with money that you are not prepared to lose in full. It just is not worth it.


Always Use Stop Loss & Take Profit Levels

Another big risk management tip, when trading Forex or anything else for that matter, is to always use stop loss levels. Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we have some great lessons on both stop loss and take profit levels that you absolutely need to check out. In layman’s terms, a stop loss level is a specific pip amount, percentage, or money value which you can set to cut your losses.

 In other words, if you make a $500 investment, you can set the stop loss level at, let’s say, $250. This means that if your trade happens to tank, the position will automatically close and spare you from losing that last $250. No, of course losing trades is not ideal, but when it comes to risk management, being able to cut your losses and recoup some of your investment when a trade goes south is a really big deal.

The same goes for take profit levels as well. This is the same thing as stop loss, but only in the other direction, the winning direction. For instance, for that same $500 Forex trade, you can set the take profit level at $750. Therefore, the trade will close when you have made a $250 profit. This is a great risk management tip because it stops you from being greedy and allows you to walk away with a certain amount of profits. Take profit levels are important because even if a trade is winning now, it might go south real quick.


Risk Management & Leveraging Trades

If you are a member of our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you probably know what leverage and margin is by now. If you don’t you should join our academy and learn all about it. At any rate, when trading Forex and other asset types, you can leverage your trades. For instance, you can leverage a trade by 10:1. For example, if you want to place a $10,000 trade, but only have $1,000 to invest, you can leverage your trade by 10:1. In other words, you only have to invest a tenth of the money to trade with when you open that given position. The $1,000 you have to put down is kind of like a down payment. That $1,000 is called the margin.

Now, Forex trading often allows traders to leverage trades by up to 500:1. Now, the thing here, in terms of risk management, is that leveraging your trades can be both very profitable and very dangerous. For instance, if you place a 10:1 trade with an overall value of $10,000, if you win the trade, good for you because you get the full winnings based on that full $10,000. However, if you lose the trade, you are also on the hook for that full $10,000, not just the $1,000 margin which you had to invest to leverage the trade.

As you can see, leveraging your Forex trades can turn out very profitable. However, it is also very dangerous. As a beginner trader, we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy would recommend that you don’t leverage trades, or maybe only my small ratios, such as 2:1 or 5:1. In terms of risk management, leveraging Forex trades is extremely risky and dangerous. Unless you are a professional day trader and really know what you are doing, it’s something you should probably stay away from for now.


Don’t Go Hard After A Big Loss

We recently did an article on how to come back after a big trading loss. Well, one thing we talked about there is to start off small again, and not jump right back into it. You see, in terms of risk management, one of the worst things you can do after suffering a big loss is to try and recoup that full loss, and more, in the next trade. The reason for this is because after you suffer a massive trading loss, your trading capital is already stressed out. You just lost a ton of money.

Now, people may be tempted to try and make up for this loss in the next trade. However, what happens if that trade also turns out to be a big loser? The overall result will be multiple big losses and a trading account that has been wiped out with just a few trades. The risk management tip here is to not trade blindly or with emotion, and don’t invest way more than you usually would to try and make up for a loss. Yeah, it might turn out ok, but it can also go oh so wrong.


Risk Management – Avoid Over Aggressive Trading

Yet another risk management tip that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy have to stress is that you should never trade too aggressively. This goes  double if you are a newbie trader that just doesn’t have the experience to be an aggressive trader. It’s just like driving. There is a reason why driving schools always include the words “defensive driving”, because trading defensively, so to speak, is a good risk management technique.

As a new trader, this means that you should not open more than 5 trades at once, and also limit the amount of investment per trade to a few hundred dollars. Just don’t overdo it. It’s much easier to lose trades, and to lose a lot of cash, when you have a ton of big trades open at once. It’s not only about managing risk, but also being able to manage trades, specifically the number of trades you have open. It’s just hard to keep track of things when you have way too many trades open at the same time.

Risk Management – Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that as a day trader, you need to be able to engage in effective risk management. If you don’t know to do this, your profits and win rates will suffer drastically, especially over a long term period. Remember the risk management tips we provided here today, because they are going to come in very handy.

Once again, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is all about helping you be the best and most profitable day trader you can be. For the low cost of $299, which is a single onetime payment, you will get access to our full course materials. This includes tons of trading lessons, a free EBook, a free signals provision service, and access to a member’s chat room too. Folks, if you want to start making consistent profits through day trading, this is the place to learn!

Income Mentor Box Risk Management

Getting Over A Big Trading Loss

Getting Over A Big Trading Loss


Did you just suffer from a big trading loss? Yeah, it happens, and it happens to pretty much every day trader out there. It is something that we here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy know all too well. With that being said, getting over a big trading loss is very possible, as long as you follow these rules and tips. Let’s help you get over that big trading loss so you can get back to making money on a consistent basis!

Income Mentor Box - Trading Loss

Cut Your Trading Loss & Call It A Day

One of the biggest mistakes that newbie traders make after suffering a big trading loss is to keep trading on that same day. Now, you might think that the best idea is to keep trading so you can recoup your losses and make your money back. However, the chances of this happening on the same day as your losses are pretty slim.

The fact of the matter is that you are not going to be clear headed after such a big trading loss. You are going to be angry, rash with decision making, and you won’t be using your brain to trade. Something that we always stress is that you should never trade emotionally. Trading, whether Forex or otherwise, requires a clear head and a sound mind.

Trying to trade when you are already frustrated, after having suffered a big trading loss, is not going to be your best decision of the day. Folks, there are well over 250 weekdays in a year when you can trade. If you suffer a big trading loss, call it a day, collect your thoughts, re-evaluate your plan, and get back to it the next day. There is no need to rush head first into even bigger trading losses.

Accept Responsibility & Figure Out What Lead To The Big Trading Loss

Yes, a big part of dealing with a trading loss is to accept responsibility that it was your fault. There is no doubt about that. Sure, the market may have taken an unexpected turn, maybe you trading platform is not up to snuff, or whatever else. However, the point here is that as a trader, you need to know that you are 100% liable and at fault for losses. There is nobody to go crying to, so there’s no point in blaming anything or anybody else. When you trade, you accept the risk that there might be some big losses in store for you.

However, this is not to say that you cannot evaluate your plans and strategies after a big trading loss. Why did the trade go south? Why did you just lose so much money? Being able to take a close look at the trades you made, and exactly what went wrong, should help you avoid another big trading loss in the future.

Now, this is not to say that it won’t happen again, but if you just start trading again, without knowing why the loss happened in the first place, it most likely won’t end well all over again. Take a few trading lessons, analyze why that big loss occurred, and try to correct whatever can be corrected.

Yeah, sometimes it is all down to luck, but usually big trading losses can be attributed to mistakes, even one small mistake made along the way, and knowing that mistake was can make all the difference. Also, go back to what you know. How were you successful in the first place? Often, going back to your grass roots, what made you successful in the first place, will help you correct errors and avoid big time trading losses in the future.


Put In Some Practice Time To Avoid Another Big Trading Loss

One problem that tends to occur with most people after they suffer a big trading loss is that confidence goes right out the door. Yes, this is normal. It’s not odd if you feel unconfident after having just flushed a few grand down the toilet. Of course, everybody is going to be a bit weary after suffering a big trading loss like that.

However, the issue here is that you really cannot go back into trading if you are not feeling confident. You need to stick to your game plan, trade with your intellect, not your fears. The issue that people will end up not investing enough, holding back, missing trades, and just making bad trading decisions due to a lack of confidence.

Our advice here is that after suffering from a big trading loss, you might want to use a demo account for a few days. Just get back into the swing of things, make sure that you are winning most of your trades in the demo account, and this should get your confidence back up to the point where you should feel good trading with real money. There is absolutely no point in rushing back into big time multi-thousand dollar Forex trades if you don’t have the confidence to do it right. Just go slow and work your way back up the ladder.

Start Out Small When Getting Back Into Trading After A Big Loss

The final piece of advice that we want to give you here today in relation to recovering after a big trading loss is to start out small. Now that you have accepted responsibility, cleared your mind, re-evaluated your trading strategy, and practised on a demo account, you can get back to trading. However, do not start out big.

Start out with just a trade or two, and don’t invest too much money per trade. Don’t jump right back into it trading at the same volume you were when you suffered your huge loss. There is no point in rushing back into it. The market is not going anywhere. So just get your wits about you, get your bearings, and slowly ease back into it.

Getting Over A Big Trading Loss – Final Thoughts

Folks, as long as you follow these tips and rules, you really should not have a problem recovering from a big trading loss. Yes, it sucks, but it happens, and it happens to everybody. Suffering losses in trading is pretty much unavoidable, but it’s how you deal with them that will decide how your trading future looks.

Income Mentor Box Forex Signals

Copy Our Free Forex Signals!

Copy Our Free Forex Signals!


Here at the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, we are all about helping you be the best Forex and day trader you can be. Sure, a part of this is teaching you the ins and outs of day trading. We do have over 50 day trading video lessons hosted by none other than Andrew himself. We also have a free EBook and more. However, we also want to provide you with easy trading profits through free Forex signals. Yes, that is right, if you are a member of the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy, you will have access to our free Forex signals provision service. These Forex signals are super easy to use and will undoubtedly lead you to profits. Let’s take a closer look at our Forex signals service right now!

Income Mentor Box - Forex Signals

Income Mentor Box – Copy Our Free Forex Signals!

If you want to trade Forex real fast, and make healthy profits doing so, there is no better way to go about it than to join our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. Here, if you are a member, you will gain access to our Income Mentor Box Facebook page. The main purpose of this Facebook page is to provide you with free signals which you can copy into your own trading platform of choice.

Yeah, we know that finding the right Forex signals to trade with can be extremely hard. This goes double if you don’t know how to perform fundamental analysis and technical analysis, or how to read charts. By the way, this is all stuff, and a whole lot more, that you will learn if you join our academy. Either way, if you go to our Facebook page, you will see roughly 12 Forex signals posted per day. Now, we do also post some CFD, stock, and securities signals, but mostly Forex.

The point here is that using our signals, you do not have to do any research or work at all, because we do it all for you. You literally just have to take the signals as they come, copy them into your trading platform of choice, and you are good to go. These signals come complete with entry prices, stop loss levels, and various take profit levels too. making money really does not get much easier than this!

Income Mentor Box Forex Signals & More!

Of course, providing you with Forex signals to trade with is not all we do here. For the low price of $299, which is a single onetime payment with no hidden fees, we will teach you to be the best day trader you can be. It takes between 2 to 6 weeks to finish the full course, which includes over 50 day trading training videos, a free EBook, a private chat room, more! If you want to quit your 9 to 5 day job and start making big time ROI on a steady basis, our Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is where you want to be!

Income Mentor Box Forex Signals